[quote=@CaptainManbeard] If you do end up going with Kate Bishop, since I am playing Lucas Bishop, it might be cool to have them be adopted siblings or something. What power were you considering for her? I suppose you could have her dexterity and hand-eye coordination increase, as well as her sight distance. Like a sniper without a scope. That would make her excellent at gathering intel ahead of a mission or spying on potential enemies. [/quote] With Kate, I'm thinking of enhanced vision definitely, like that of the Ultimate version of Clint Barton. I might like to give her the ability to make small hand-held objects into projectiles much like 1610 Clint and/or Bullseye. Also, I may give her enhanced speed, agility, reflexes, and stamina comparable to that of Daredevil. I'm not sure what I want to do with her biography and personality yet, though I do want to keep the sexual assault as part of Kate's history. Keeping that in should justify her having some self-defense training and perhaps a little boxing. Of course, she'll be a trained archer. And, yes, I'm open to having Lucas and Kate be family.