[center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=F3E010]Theresa Sparks[/color] and [color=f6989d]Bonnie Chase[/color][/b][/h1][hr][hr][/center] It had been a few weeks since the whole M-Pox fiasco, and Sparky was in the robotics lab area, messing with a few things when she suddenly felt a wave of nausea come over her again. It had been happening on and off for the past few weeks, and she wasn't sure why, but now it was getting to the point where she thought that something might be wrong, and she set down what she had been working on and went to go look for Bonnie, figuring she might be able to help her. She had been working on robotics and anything electronic constantly since the thing with Thanos and the Black Order since it gave her a distraction from everything else that was going on through her head at the moment. Bonnie was in the medical research laboratory, working on M-Pox cures. While they did have the sample from Cass that they used for the initial batch, they couldn't just take Cass' blood indefinitely. That just wasn't a sustainable process. Doctor Strange was helping from time to time with his stone, yet he also had his duties as Sorcerer Supreme to attend to. In fact, he had been gone for the last few days on a house call to the West Coast Avengers after a demon started trying to possess the Scarlet Witch. [color=f6989d]"Hey, Sparks,"[/color] Bonnie greeted her with a smile. [color=F3E010]"Are you busy? Or anything?"[/color] she asked, walking into the room and over to her. [color=F3E010]"...Cause I haven't been feeling the best lately, and I don't know why..."[/color] Sparky wasn't too sure what else to say about the matter, since she figured that Bonnie was working on stuff for M-Pox considering the fact that it was a somewhat slow process rolling out the cures for others and all, yup things definitely were interesting and all. [color=f6989d]"I am busy, but I can make time,"[/color] Bonnie said. When she wasn't working on M-Pox, she had been doing research on the vision she had experienced when the Black Order nearly killed her. Her preliminary tests on herself indicated that her body had been enhanced to some degree, similar to the impacts of taking a super soldier serum. [color=f6989d]"Have a seat,"[/color] she added, gesturing to an examination table. She went and started off by taking Sparky's temperature, blood pressure, and pulse. [color=f6989d]"What are your symptoms? And how long has this been going on?"[/color] [color=F3E010]"Uh... Nausea mainly... It's been coming and going off and on for the past few weeks... But sorry for interrupting whatever it was that you were doing..."[/color] she responded, sitting up on the table, her mind wandering a little bit. Bonnie thought for a moment. [color=f6989d]"Well, you don't look like you have any symptoms of M-Pox... Your skin is fine, if not a little bit flushed. I don't see any signs of sores or hives... It could be the seasonal flu,"[/color] she murmured, thinking over what she wanted to test for. She then reached under the counter and grabbed a plastic baggy with a small container inside of it. [color=f6989d]"Could you urinate in this for me? Make sure you don't touch the inside of the cup or anything, since that may skew the results."[/color] Sparky took the cup from her before she left the room. A few minutes later she came back in and handed it to her. [color=F3E010]"Going to be blunt having the flu would really really suck not going to lie..."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Did you get your flu shot?"[/color] Bonnie asked casually, as she accepted the cup and started to run tests on Sparky's urine. She wasn't looking for the flu however. To test for the flu, she would need to take a saliva sample from Sparky. She wanted to check on the urine sample first, then she would check the saliva, and then do blood work if things continued to be shrouded in mystery. [color=F3E010]"Yeah I did..."[/color] she responded, falling silent as she just started fiddling with the ring on her hand subconsciously, not even really paying attention to anything in particular. It would take a few more minutes for the results of the test to be clear. Bonnie reached out and took Sparky's hand gently, hoping that Sparky had washed her hands after peeing into the cup. [color=f6989d]"You know, not too long after I graduated from Sci-Tech, my husband was killed by an enhanced in the field. I didn't take it well. I ended up being hospitalized... Don't be like me. Talking about what's going on, going to therapy, it'll help. I promise."[/color] [color=F3E010]"Yeah well... I mean there isn't much I can do about it, not right now anyway... I've been trying to figure out where he went, since that video showed the Quinjet taking off or whatever but I haven't been able to find anything..."[/color] Bonnie nodded. [color=f6989d]"Have you considered asking Niah for help? Maybe if she touches Raynor's knife, she can catch a glimpse of what happened from another angle... Maybe she could see what the coordinates were on that quinjet,"[/color] she suggested softly. [color=F3E010]"That would also be assuming she'd be fine with touching a blade that doesn't exactly let anyone who isn't worthy hold onto it last I checked..."[/color] [color=f6989d]"You won't know if you don't ask,"[/color] Bonnie pointed out. She then got up and looked at the results as the test had finished running. One result caught her eye instantly. [color=f6989d]"Sparks... Congratulations. You're pregnant."[/color] Her face instantly went pale upon hearing that, [color=F3E010]"You're joking right? P-p-please tell me you're joking."[/color] Her mind was racing as she instantly started panicking. Nope nope nope no! Sparky's mind was definitely in denial of sorts. Bonnie shook her head. [color=f6989d]"I'm not,"[/color] she said, trying to think of a way to comfort Sparky best. [color=f6989d]"When was your last period?"[/color] [color=F3E010]"...A while ago..."[/color] she muttered, still panicking a little bit at the idea. [color=F3E010]"It's just... I-I-I don't know if I can be a mother or something... Especially since I-I-I don't know if Ray is o-o-okay..."[/color] she stammered. She wasn't too sure what to even think. [color=f6989d]"You have options,"[/color] Bonnie said. She put an arm around her and held her tightly. [color=f6989d]"You don't need to make any choices now, okay?"[/color] Bonnie put a kiss on Sparky's cheek. [color=f6989d]"We'll all support you here no matter what. And I know that Raynor's out there. He's too stubborn to die."[/color] [color=F3E010]"Now see, you say that, and my brain is saying that he's way too stubborn to die, but a part of my brain is saying the exact opposite. That he's dead. That he's not coming back. And I don't know what to do. I-I-I just don't know,"[/color] she said, before she just started crying again. It had been a little while since she actually had, since she typically distracted herself by working on robotics of some sort. Bonnie put her other arm around Sparky, holding her in a hug now. It wasn't professional, but that didn't matter. Sparky was her friend. She trusted Sparky with her life and she knew all too well the sort of pain Sparky was going through. In some ways, it was worse. Bonnie knew that James had died. Sparky didn't have that sort of closure when it came to Raynor. [color=f6989d]"Just breathe. You don't need to figure everything out today. All you need to do today is breathe, eat some of your favorite food, and practice self care."[/color] [color=F3E010]"...If you say so..."[/color] she mumbled, trying to stop the tears but they just kept coming. This was just bad, in so many different ways, and she just wanted to know what to do. She [i]hated[/i] not knowing what to do, or really anything regarding this entire situation. It just was messing with her head, as her mind kept going through everything that was going wrong with her life right now. She didn't know what to do, and she really wanted someone to just tell her what to do, but she knew that was impossible. [color=f6989d]"I do say so,"[/color] Bonnie said quietly. [color=f6989d]"All you can do is take things one step at a time... Did you ever see the second Frozen movie? Anna sings about how she doesn't know where to go or what to do, but she realizes all she can do is the next right thing. Just keep moving one step forward, even if you don't know where the end result will take you yet. That's all you can do."[/color] [color=F3E010]"...I don't typically watch too many animated movies... But I think I get what you're saying..."[/color] she said softly, thinking for a moment. [color=F3E010]"There isn't much I can do about it... All I can do is hope for the best, I am going to find out what happened, no matter what happens next. I am going to find Ray, and probably hug him, and then punch him or something for making me freak out..."[/color] Bonnie giggled slightly. [color=f6989d]"That sounds like a plan to me, Sparks."[/color]