Aura leaned in and looked over the cards with a curious eye, and she grinned lightly after she heard the latter part of Vocalia's sentence. She was in Fisk's sights and her own, which meant she was as good as doomed. She would be a Fairy Tail mage, whether she liked it or not, or at least that was probably how it'd end up. She nodded lightly and said "Hey, then you and me are pretty similar in a way. We're both ranged Holder Mages, how about that huh?" She giggled and set a hand on the girl's arm, saying softly "Trust me, everyone fits in here, because we don't turn anyone away. And don't worry about bothering Master Dia, she won't mind at all, trust me." She gave a light tug towards where the Guild master was, though not too hard, and said "C'mon, if it'll help we'll come with you!" With that, she turned her head towards Fisk and Armin, and mouthed to them "Help me with this one!" Afterwards, she looked back to Vocalia and casually placed her hand on Vocalia's head, ruffling her hair slightly. Hastily, she added "Oh, and if you actually have a problem with the guild, just say so now, we won't be mad or anything." With that, Aura gave her best shy expression, which was pretty good given that Aura had a lot of practice with it outside of the guild, and finished "But, we'd really like to have you onboard."