[@Turboshitter] Done! The edited sheet is below, I made some small tweaks to the Background and Relationships sections and removed the last Mystic Code as requested. [hider=Revision 1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1a/14/6d/1a146d261ae6252d3043c40669e47b99.jpg[/img][h1]Nuari Maaike Yggdmillenia[/h1][/center] [b]Gender:[/b] F [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 167 cm/52 kg [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Neutral [b]Master of:[/b] Rider (if permitted) [hider=Personality]A sharp and highly focused young woman, who never seems to miss even the smallest detail about the world around her. Gives off a scholarly impression, and a sense of knowing more about everyone and everything than a person of her standing should. Despite this, however, her interactions with others have all the finesse of a sledgehammer: she cannot or will not tell a lie and will speak her mind freely, even if doing so means spouting something downright rude or improper. She is not an empathetic person by nature, or at least not one who cares to understand other humans. Rather, she has an eye for ‘elegance’ and ‘unsightliness,’ not in the aesthetic sense but in terms of mathematics. Something that is sound in terms of principles, structure, and purpose will be seen as good, whereas things that are uncertain or fundamentally flawed will be seen as bad. For this reason, she prefers homunculi to humans, though it’s more of an appreciation for how beautifully they fulfill their purpose rather than any strong desire to influence them. From Nuari’s perspective, her body is mainly a vessel for keeping her mind alive and at full operating capacity. She maintains it in excellent shape, as one would an essential machine, but prefers mental activities to physical ones in most respects. The exception would be cases where a technique can be finely honed through careful analysis, though really she’s more interested in puzzling out the right movements that need to be performed to carry out a certain action, and actually carrying them out becomes nearly an afterthought. Often, she’ll learn a technique or a form of magic without her body actually possessing the ability to ever make use of it.[/hider] [hider=Background]It is said that nothing created in the Atlas Institute should ever leave the Atlas Institute. Or at least, this was the rule. For thousands of years, the alchemists fervently obeyed it, keeping the wonders and horrors they had created locked away forever from the outside world. However, over such a long period of time, it is impossible to avoid exceptions to such a strict doctrine. Within the Institute, rumors abound of separatist factions plotting to break away and take their secrets elsewhere, though few can say how many of these whispers contain a hint of truth. On the rare occasion that an Atlas alchemist does attempt to break their cardinal rule, they will almost certainly be killed, or at the very least have their freedom completely restrained. Even if one were to get away from the Institute itself, they would swiftly be hunted down by the Holy Church. Occasionally, however, an alchemist will just disappear entirely. Sometimes this is from natural causes, when a half-finished weapon malfunctions and wipes its creator from existence. Other times, such as when a visitor is accepted into Atlas or when the Institute itself is forced to send out some of its alchemists to resolve a major crisis or contractual obligation, they are lost to external forces. The ancestor of what would later become the Maaike family was one such mysterious disappearance, whom all evidence showed to be dead and gone. In truth, it was a perfect crime. This individual’s field of study- specifically the intersection between Void Space and reality -required them to inspect certain points in the world beyond Atlas in order to continue it. Though they were aware of the Institute’s rule, their obsession with Imaginary Numbers won out in the end, and thus they carefully arranged for their own presumed loss, escaping in such a way that the other alchemists were never even aware of it. ‘Maaike’ is a false name, a minor mage family thought up as a cover for a certain rogue branch of alchemists whose magecraft was originally from Atlas itself. They generally stayed out of the affairs of the Mage Association unless absolutely necessary, preferring to seclude themselves and keep their activities entirely secret while they continued their generations-long work. No matter how stealthy they were, however, eventually suspicions began to rise. A cold case was re-opened, and agents of the Church and the Association suddenly began showing a new interest in this supposedly dull magus family based in the Middle East. The Maaike knew that if things continued, their connection with Atlas would be exposed, and the Institute’s allies would move swiftly to contain and eliminate that which had escaped long ago. What they needed was protection, an ally who could stand with them against the inevitable retribution that would come for them once the truth was discovered. Yggdmillennia represented a power they could align themselves and use as a shield, a power unlikely to bend to Atlas's will so long as the Maaike made themselves useful to the cause. Nuari is the latest heir and representative of the Maaike, though she views herself as no more than a cog in the machine that is their project. The Grail's power is a tempting possibility, but to her it's mostly a political opportunity that will raise up Yggdmillennia and ensure her own family's survival.[/hider] [hider=Relationships] [u]Maaike family:[/u] “A device for the realization of a dream, of which I am one component.” [u]Atlas:[/u] “A threat to our dream. Avoidance is a high priority.” [u]Mage Association:[/u] “Useful resource, but also an inconvenience and source of threat. Keep contact to a minimum.” [u]Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia:[/u] “Our shield. He may be the key to our survival, but this does not mean we can wholly trust him.” [u]Alethia Mathers:[/u] “A mage. Some similarities in family history, dealings may be possible.” [u]Slaine Druiminn:[/u] “A good boy, but his magecraft is unsightly.”[/hider] [b]Origin:[/b] Observation [b]Element:[/b] Imaginary Numbers [b]School of Magecraft:[/b] Alchemy [hider=Spells/Skills][u]Memory Partition:[/u] an ability used by the superior alchemists of Atlas. It represents the ability to partition thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only focus on one thought at a time, users of this ability can partition their mind into multiple ‘rooms’ to attack a problem from several angles at once. Advanced users (of which Nuari is one) can perform further titration of their thought processes within these rooms, allowing them to maintain hundreds of separate thoughts at once and perform complex calculations even when occupied with physical tasks. [u]Thought Acceleration:[/u] the main magecraft of Atlas alchemists. Allows for inhumanly rapid thinking, and is a prerequisite for Memory Partition. Used in combination, they vastly increase effective computing power. [u]Zero Dipping:[/u] temporary means of accessing pockets of Void Space and hiding oneself or small objects within them. While in this space, one is effectively outside of reality, and cannot be accessed or harmed from the real world without the use of corresponding magecraft… However, it’s inefficient as a storage method. Its only real use is as an emergency hiding space for Nuari herself or something that she absolutely needs to protect.[/hider] [hider=Mystic Codes][u]Fragrance Annulus:[/u] small ring implanted in Nuari’s nose. Vastly enhances her sense of smell, and connects it with the ability to sense magical energy. Her abilities are on par with a bloodhound, or perhaps one of the Hounds of Tindalos; she can detect the nature and origin of a spell even hours after it was cast. [u]Azure Distiller:[/u] an artificial right eye implanted in her skull. Not a true Mystic Eye, but its abilities are on par with them. Not only does it allow for improved sight, it can also configure itself to receive different ‘wavelengths’ and see things that could normally not be seen, from infrared radiation to magically concealed objects to things no human mind would even be able to comprehend. [u]Q.E.D.:[/u] her robes, which act as a strong ‘proof of existence’ of the one wearing them. Can temporarily maintain the user’s existence while in Void Space, and also protects them against conceptual attacks that would erase or distort their nature. [u]Void Bolt:[/u] one of two Maaike weapons in her possession. This one resembles a long brass rifle; when fired it triggers a localized collapse of reality into Void space, about 5 cm wide, that propagates outwards in a straight line for up to 500 meters. The destructive power of this collapse is absolute: anything caught within its narrow path is simply removed from reality as humans know it. However, it propagates at sub-sonic speeds, moving more akin to an arrow than a bullet, so even a human may be able to avoid it if they are fast enough. [/hider] [b]Circuit Quality:[/b] D [b]Circuit Quantity:[/b] E [b]Other:[/b] For some strange reason she is mildly allergic to cats. [/hider]