[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/COlSgMa.png[/img] [color=PeachPuff]“She can burn me to ash, but you gotta admit she’s kind of cute like this. Lolz!”[/color] [color=888888]— Su Fang [/color][/center] [sub][@Erode][@Ariamis][/sub] Su also slowed to a hover. Given that she wasn’t very aerodynamic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it was a simple thing to manage. Especially with Helga in tow. There wasn’t much time to think. It was clear that Askefye had little patience for people at the moment. Fortunately Su had already decided what she wanted to say ahead of time. She just found it difficult to do so now that the fire girl was staring her in the face. That and she was a little concerned with how Helga would react, as this was something she thought up in the moment. She gave Helga a firm stare and nodded, which was the only thing she could do to prepare her before speaking. Then she turned to Askefye. [color=PeachPuff]“I’m Su Fang.”[/color] She gestured towards Helga. [color=PeachPuff]“This is Helga, she once served as part of Justine’s elite four.”[/color] Su had noticed Askefye’s head pop up when they were talking about Justine earlier. Hopefully this detail would keep her interested in their conversation. [color=PeachPuff]“I’m trying to get Beacon off our back, and at present it looks like purification is our only option. Though with the Ascendancy present and Helga’s colorful history, they could try to kill us instead.”[/color] She placed a hand on her hip. [color=PeachPuff]“That girl you were with seemed more receptive than most Ascendancy girls. She was willing to talk, but a troll interrupted our conversation. I have my connections however and I know I can summon her again.”[/color] Su (begrudgingly) knew Lily, who knew Alicia. It shouldn’t be hard for the paladin to get in touch with Vivi. [color=PeachPuff]“Where you come into this is that I do not wish to invite the Ascendancy into my home. You seem to know the over city well and are fairly strong. I would feel safer if you could join us during our next meeting, in case things go south.”[/color] Su gestured towards Askefye. [color=PeachPuff]“If you’re interested, I’d like to know your name and a good place to eat.”[/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ILCOP2b.png[/img] [color=tomato]“Let me show you the true meaning of LOGIC!”[/color] [color=888888]— Mika Sarraf[/color][/center] [sub][@Vocab][/sub] Christine was wrong. Mika could tell she was scarcely the brightest bulb, but this was something else. It was one thing to take the lid off your milk shake to make sure you got the flavor you wanted, and another thing entirely to think licking the outside of the straw was the correct way to eat a milk shake. Mika found the display amusing, but decided not to embarrass her. She simply consumed her milkshake the correct way and hoped Christine would catch on. It did not dawn on Mika that Christine was checking for poison. If Mika had poisoned a shake, she was playing a dangerous game in letting Christine decide which one to take. Besides, Mika had already poisoned her in the hallway with her stinger, and used her healing artifact to seal up the wound before getting her into a bikini. Though there is a certain amount of irony in waking from poison-induced sleep and then checking your drink for poison. Admit it, that’s hilarious. [color=chocolate]“Beacon tried to stop Vi-chan in time, I'm sure.”[/color] Rina called from her seat. Still holding her bow on her lap. [color=chocolate]“I mean yea, Alicia’s disguise was pretty bad, but they couldn’t get to her in time. Vi-chan made her big appearance before they could perfectly wrap everything up. They didn’t ‘allow it to become violent,’ it would have been a slaughter even if they did nothing. You’re talking like this entire thing was their idea, or like you didn’t have the power to stop it yourself!”[/color] Mika raised her hand to Rina. [color=tomato]“Monster lives matter.”[/color] [color=chocolate]“Fool of a cat girl.”[/color] She sipped her milkshake. Mika’s smile only glowed brighter. [color=tomato]“I’ve been thinking about my mistakes a lot recently.”[/color] She set aside her milkshake. She had downed it all, so it was just an empty cup anyway. [color=tomato]“The first fight I got into by myself, I got some help from a wolf girl. We were fighting this spider girl, and she got on my nerves. I got really angry.”[/color] She looked away from Christine and folded her arms. [color=tomato]“I bit her with my most potent venom. I think I killed her. She hurt Lupa for a while too, because I had been so reckless she had to take a shot for me.”[/color] She hugged her knees. [color=tomato]“At the time I had been really upset because Lupa got hurt. But now that she’s feeling better, I spend a lot more time thinking about the spider girl. She was a bad girl, but I wonder if I had to kill her.”[/color] Mika set her chin on top of her arms. [color=tomato]“Maybe if I hadn’t killed her, things would have turned out better. Everyone wanted to hurt Dan, but I became friends with him. I forgave him, and look!”[/color] She gestured at everything around herself. [color=tomato]“I know Beacon ruined the party, but everyone is mean to Beacon. Maybe if people were nicer to them they wouldn’t be so mean. If Vi had invited them to the party they wouldn’t have felt left out.”[/color] She smiled. [color=tomato]“I think killing is bad no matter who it is. What you were going to do to Alicia was bad, what she was going to do to you was bad. That’s why I stopped it.”[/color] Rina sighed. [color=chocolate]“Guess I’m the bad cop.”[/color]