[h2][color=ed1c24]Guritag[/color][/h2] [sup]Mentioning: [@Jerkchicken][@baraquiel][@Eviledd1984][/sup] When Dion approached, Guritag winked at him ambiguously, as she tended to do, when surely winding up to not answer any questions she was asked. Very notably, it wasn't Neith's request to stop playing the music, that got her to finally end it-- there was Micah's question, as she was finished, that caught Guritag's attention. She let her final note ring out as she looked him over. While he wasn't the oddest thing she'd ever seen, the stuffed goat head he wore seemed to keep her attention more-so than anything else at the moment. Tipping her hat to Micah, as another gesture-that-could-mean-anything, Guritag told him, [color=D2B48C]"Played from th' heart. Ain't no learnin' for improvisation'-- felt the mood n' went with it."[/color] Her gaze shifted to Dion then as she said, [color=D2B48C]"Much rather'd leave, ya know, when it ain't darker n' a blind fool's midnight, but I ain' gonna stop ya from talkin'. Met a feller in th' Tavern what want's goin' in too. Big Scales. If ya ain' seen't 'em then this ya midnight too, I says."[/color] She smirked, looking from one person to the other, [color=D2B48C]"I'd tag along with ya instead of him--"[/color] her eyes landed on Dion [color=D2B48C]"--if ya sound better fer story."[/color]