[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Mp9GmbFg/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=bc8dbf]Location:[/color][/b] Atrium [b][color=bc8dbf]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][/center] [color=d86615]"I'll take that"[/color] Raynor said, grabbing the bourbon Cal had been offering Zarina. He tilted his head back and downed it all at once. He wasn't the type to savor alcohol. For him, its purpose was to help him feel warm and loose, to relax and wind down. [color=d86615]"Oops, all gone. So sad. Too bad."[/color] He set the glass down and shrugged, as if he had been intending on letting Zarina have some after he tried it. Yet when Zarina started to freak out with relation to Cal, his eyes narrowed. He didn't know Zarina but he was quickly feeling protective of her. Maybe he was an aggressive bodyguard/babysitter before all of this. [color=d86615]"You make a move towards her, I'll snap your neck,"[/color] he told Cal bluntly, before walking after Zarina. Vinnie was staring at Cal with bug eyes. She had already suspected Sophia that day of secretly being a robot zombie. And while Cal had proved that she bled red, maybe she was some sort of double agent working for the Them - the official name she had given their captors. What if Cal had some sort of secret spy earpiece, relaying information back to the Them, letting them know all about their ideas and strategies? And who would taste the best if roasted alive? [color=bc8dbf]"You're not a pharmacist, are you? Because you just spooked a little kid and pharmacists don't scare kids! That's what dentists do! But you know what? Maybe you're working for Them! Maybe you were planted here as a mole to drive us crazy and make sure we have no way of escaping. All in favor of locking Cal in one of the rooms, say aye! AYE!"[/color] Her gaze darted around a bit wildly, trying to see if people were in agreement with her. Raynor had gone after Zarina. Everyone else was still there - including her nose twin, Sophia. She still wasn't really convinced that the two of them were related. If it was just off of passing resemblance, then all of the white people on board the ship were going to look like cousins or something like that at least. She had no idea how Cal knew that she had ADHD, but if she was giving off bad vibes, Vinnie didn't want to take any risks. In the galley, Raynor leaned up against the doorway, looking at Zarina. [color=d86615]"Don't worry, kid, I won't let her in here."[/color]