[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] Triskelion - Conference Room [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Niah was happy to be back on the team, but she did not know how she felt about the decree in front of her. Hill's laws sounded...well fascist. Having grown up in the Philippines she knew what that looked like. She had pursed her lips sitting there waiting for admittance into Hill's office. Niah wasn't one to make waves though, she wasn't going to stand up to Hill, at least not alone. [color=0080ff]"Hello and welcome to the team I'm Agent Bautista."[/color] Niah said introducing herself to Agent Baptiste. It felt weird to call herself Agent again, she had been going by Doctor over the last few months during her temporary transfer. A part of her saw pre-Phase three Niah in the new Agent. She remembered having a huge smile on her face and being happy and trusting. Niah let the thought pass over her and made a mental note to go over that later, in therapy. Things got super weird when Flynn started yelling at Hill, that part was normal, what wasn't was she found herself agreeing with him. Niah blinked confused. Yeah, they had had their heart-to-heart but that didn't change his choices. Niah cleared her throat and got some nerve. [color=0080ff]"Why has Rogers gone rogue?"[/color] [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=004d00]Location:[/color] Triskelion - Conference Room [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] The articles in Hill's law made sense. You shouldn't have untrained people out there fighting people. Hell, trained people were dangerous enough. The collateral damage Matt had seen, before and after joining SHIELD was no joke. He frowned at the papers though. He could see how this could go badly, but Hill was the big boss. What Matt wasn't certain was how he felt about Captain America. Matt was British so he had his obvious preferences, especially after the attack on Cardiff. He didn't know what could drive Captain America to go rogue so he was glad that Bautista of all people asked. She didn't seem like she had much of a spine, and that was just a guess from the few interactions he had had with her. Matt considered it her fault that Dalisy had gone missing, and Niah had made it clear she blamed him saying that the inhibitor had been faulty. Matt assumed she had somehow tampered with it. Matt wasn't surprised by Flynn's reaction and just turned his attention to Agent Baptiste. [color=004d00]"I'm Agent Moss."[/color] he said introducing himself. [color=004d00]"The hothead is Flynn, and yes he is always like this, but it kind of grows on you."[/color]