[color=#B62800][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/o3QdKiA.png[/img][/center][/color] [sup][right][@samakama][/right][/sup] Sanhan tugged at her bangs, pulling on the black hairs. Really, she never put a considerable amount of effort into thinking about her own hair. To her, her hair was just as it always was. The question gave her a brief moment of pause before she answered. [color=#B62800]"Naturally white,"[/color] she let go of her hair, [color=#B62800]"it's dyed black in certain ways to show one's lineage and class."[/color] An honest question beget an honest answer. Had Sanhan been a funnier, more socially aware person, she might have joked about it in some way. [i]No, I was spooked by a ghost as I rode to the city.[/i] That probably would have been a good joke, right? Well, it didn't matter. Sanhan dryly answered it. Seeing Misaiya like this, Sanhan's curiosity got the better of her. There was actually something she was curious about now. [color=#B62800]"I never got to see what your magic was,"[/color] she asked in earnest curiosity, [color=#B62800]"what is it?"[/color] Before she could get an answer, Nyx had already ushered them onto the train. Perhaps it'd be an awkward ride on... whatever this thing she was being put onto was. What was it? To move such a large behemoth of steel... Was this a great mage's magic? Though, a skill of this scope was not relegated to the transportation of man. She boarded and immediately felt out of place again. It was like a fusion of everything she didn't like. Enclosed spaces, exorbitant displays of wealth, and the slight rattling of the ground. She took a seat at one of the tables far opposite of Sekhandur. Was it going to be an awkward few hours because of that question? Maybe. Maybe not. Sanhan was already sitting awkwardly with her hands on her knees and a look down at the ground.