Andrew sneered at the carcasses. But then he had access to matches, perhaps this one didn't. Or perhaps this one didn't care about being as neat and tidy as he was included to be. It was too early to judge, he of all people knew better than to judge too soon. Maybe he or she was trying to stay alive on rodents, or maybe it was shamelessly taking any life it could. They needed to find it, and stop it. If that meant another life exiled from humans, or if that meant killing it, so be it. It. No, him or her. How easily Andrew could slip into that thinking. Maybe this was what Angel had meant about staying out of her way. This overthinking had him questioning his wisdom in coming. He followed Angel, wondering how easily she would turn her weapons against him again if this encounter didn't go the way she expected. What did she expect? What she had said all along, to kill the forest beast. What did he expect? That someone was going to die. But he had no idea who. Himself, Angel, or the stranger they hunted.