[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fiENFjt.png[/IMG][/center] First there were falling rocks, and then there were [i]flaming[/i] rocks, and yeah, it had only been a few minutes, but Daisy was so totally over Egypt already. "Oh. My. [i]God[/i]," she muttered to herself as the first dog-statue-thing erupted into murder-y shards directly over her head. "Are not these things, like, [i]forever[/i] old? Can we maybe act like adults and [i]not[/i] throw rocks?" And then several things were happening at once. To his credit, Artie saw the danger long before Daisy did. To hers, it was mostly because she was staring in annoyance at the Graphite Giant, who had [i]clearly[/i] not gotten her joke. Which was of course just totally par for the course. She wasted all her best material on these people. "Figures," she grumbled, seemingly obliviously to the increased chaos tumbling on around her. "I -- " Artie came from nowhere, bowling them both over with his enormous mass. Daisy swore again, but it was lost in a mouthful of sandstone. It wasn't exactly that Daisy was hard to kill. For one thing, she was already dead, so that counted against her. Or for her, depending on how you chose to look at things. She certainly wasn't invincible, by any stretch of the imagination. In general, she was afforded all the same protections mortals were, depending on her form...which, at the moment, was that of a pink-haired teenager. Highly susceptible, in other words, to falling rocks and gouts of flame. Fortunately, being dead had its benefits. Chief among which was an inherent ability to give no fucks over wounds of the 'flesh'. Mostly because that flesh was sorta immaterial already. Lose a limb? Well, that was kind of a bummer, and you should probably be more careful next time. There would be pain, and even loss of blood, because on this side, you had a job to do and a reputation to keep. But on the other side, injuries meant nothing, not even to mortals. You were dead or dying already. What was a splinter going to do? It was a neat trick to be able to disappear for a few moments and come back, if a little exhausted, then with all four limbs intact. There weren't many members of B&H that could do her any really lasting harm. The immortals would have a better chance than most. The fucking mummy could throw a wrench in the works. And as much as she was certain she [i]hated[/i] her, she wasn't so foolish as to think the necromancer elf was harmless. Daisy had a decent hold over Death herself, being dead and a Reaper. But those that could stand on the warm side of the line and still control Death? That made Daisy a little antsy. But it was the Wight that really scared her. Well. 'Scared' was the wrong word. Not because it didn't fit the situation -- it did, along with words like 'terrified', 'alarmed', 'disturbed', and 'petrified', as well as the modifiers 'the ever-loving shit out of' -- but because it was a [i]stupid[/i] word, and she liked it about as much as she liked admitting to her fear. Of course, that was neither here nor there. Right now, 'here' was half-smothered under her giant, overprotective mutt of a hellhound, and 'there' was relative safety...just beyond Veti's incessant shouting, and beyond [i]that[/i], the voice of God(dess)Bird echoing loud in her head. "Oh. My. [i]GOD[/i]," Daisy grunted again as she finally dragged herself from under a still-growling Artie, both of them more or less no worse for wear. "[i]Why are we all yelling?[/i]" So, giant stone/metal dude had already bolted. Only silence from him. The mummy was gone, too, which was kind of hilarious, maybe he was being crushed to mildly-attractive death by these giant ass beetles the sexy bird had warned about. Her only real answer was from Artie, who said nothing, but instead ducked to scoop her onto his broad back. And she didn't argue because the statue-thing's sword had left a gash splashed across his back the length of her arm. That shut her up. Mostly because she wanted to kill something. And Veti was still screaming, and that made her nervous. Artie found himself by the werewolf's side a second later, for once towering over her as he sniffed around her intrusively and Daisy rolled her eyes at the show of concern...while subtly glancing over the werewolf herself. "What?" she demanded impatiently, still apparently, like, way too cool to be bothered by the carnage around her. "Why is everyone shouting? It is [i]too[/i] hot for that shit."