The flame struggles to stay alive, as my drive wanes over time due to the negative experiences I have gone through. I've grown tired of the experiences and the repeated result, when will I have the better result for myself? The lone wolf now engulfed in darkness, loneliness, and despair as it's tale is being told like a legend. It's glair of self-defense and pain through the terrible experiences it has gone through in it's experiences. The bleakness of light around it is very obvious, it has tried to obtain the light to be like everyone else but it has drawn near but never obtained it. All the lone wolf wants is to obtain happiness like the others it had seen on it's walking path, to rid itself of the emptiness within itself, it's heart and it's own eyes as the goal of happiness is as linear as an arrow. For the wolf, it is obvious what it wants. It's own happiness where it doesn't have to struggle for a slice of the happiness that turns out to be a temporary one frequently in every case it has wandered into in it's circle of life thus far. The day ends the same for the lone wolf, with no one new around it for the interaction it wants. The hopes that the wolf has is dimming over time as sleep is nothing but a fleeting dream on top of the day. The darkness stays around it as it has been nothing but the only sort of companion the wolf has had for the majority of experiences in it's circle of life as it eyes close in a hopeless attempt to rest as it's heart has this words etched into it. [i]'Where is my happiness? When will it come to me? My light? Or am I destined to fade into the night?' [/i]