While Meesei could have also assisted with the wounded, a mage needed to be the one to examine the orb in the tower. She might have allowed another mage outside of her pack to do so, but it was more valuable for her to [i]ensure[/i] there were no delays. Once her orders had been given, Meesei headed up the tower as well. [hr] The plan from the commanders high on their vantage point at the portal had been coming to fruition down below on the battlefield. Though, unbeknownst to them, it only had a chance to succeed because of the interference of the Champion's pack with the first watchtower. Fast, agile lycan teams had performed quick strikes against the growing Daedric formation, only to pull back before the Daedra could collapse their forces upon them. They poked and prodded the Daedra just enough to encourage them to chase them off. At the same time, a fair portion of the supporting forces to the center of their own lines, where Hal-Neesa was advancing, stayed back hidden in the trees as the rest of them were crossing an open field. It made their lines seem [i]just[/i] thin enough to be a tempting target, without being an obvious trap. Eventually, the lycans' periodic attacks on the Daedra brought the forces chasing them close enough to see the seemingly weak mortal lines, and at least one of their commanders took the bait. Whether to seize a perceived opportunity, or just out of a desire to earn glory in battle, a horde of Daedra marched across the field as well to meet them in battle. Hal-Neesa was, of course, aware of the plan. One of their werevulture messengers had informed her of their intended deception. She knew that reinforcements would come to their aid once the Daedra were committed to battle. However, Hal-Neesa had no intention of waiting on rescue when she could turn the tide of the battle herself. As Skaafin and various Daedric beasts charged across the field, rapidly closing on their lines, Hal-Neesa took in a breath and focused. The amount of magicka that she could pull through her fingertips was of a magnitude only rivaled by the greatest mortal mages in history. Mages like Galerion or Divayth Fyr, for whom even gods could not simply ignore their power. What Neesa produced was a spell that could not only be felt, but quite simply [i]seen[/i] from across the battlefield. It was a massive ball of lightning above her, glowing as bright as the Silent City's sun. Even the immortal, supposedly fearless Daedra in front of her had been given pause at the sight of it. Though, they did not have the time nor ability to do anything about it. When Neesa pushed her hands forward, the ball of lightning split off into smaller orbs that spread out in an arc in front of her, flying over the heads of the Daedra. From each orb, violent streaks of lightning struck down towards the ground like a curtain of pure energy, essentially disintegrating any living thing unfortunate enough to be caught in their path. Among those close enough to directly threaten Neesa, only storm atronachs remained standing once the power of the lightning orbs died out. Of course, Neesa's one spell was not enough to end the battle on its own. It was far from large enough to stretch across the entire battlefield, or even a majority of it. The lightning had cut a large swathe through the enemy, but only in an arc in front of Neesa. What it had done, though, was to give her time. She sent forward her undead thralls to fill in the gap and slow the enemy further, then pulled from her pouch a crimson red sigil stone. Neesa levitated the sigil stone in front of her, then, with a flick of her wrist, pushed it straight down and embedded it into the ground. She cast a spell onto the ground over it, which formed a collection of glowing blue Daedric sigils on the ground all around it. It was not the method one would use if they were to form a portal to Tamriel, but the barriers between two realms of Oblivion were not nearly as robust. All it took was activating the sigil stone for Molag Bal to grasp a hold into Vile's realm. In the sky above the field, there was a low rumbling almost like thunder, then the ethereal form of a Dark Anchor began to manifest. The ghostly ring soon solidified into stone, then a loud sound akin to a war horn sounded out all throughout the valley, and beyond. Three massive stone spikes fell down through the portal, connected by chains up to the anchor. After the chains pulled taut, Daedra from Coldharbour dropped like meteors from the portal onto the ground below, surrounded and protected by glowing blue magic. [hr] After about ten minutes in the watchtower, Meesei and Ahnasha both came down together, with Ahnasha holding under her arm several cloth-wrapped objects. They sought out Fendros quickly, with Meesei grabbing his attention as Ahnasha climbed down off of Leaps. "Fendros, get one of our messengers. We need to send a werevulture to the commanders. I was correct, the orb at the top of the watchtower is enchanted. I do not have time to examine it in detail, but it seems to be a life detection enchantment combined with another alteration enchantment. Looking through the orb allows one to see over a far distance, with any life clearly visible through both terrain and foliage. It cannot see over the entire valley, but the other watchtowers no doubt cover those areas. And aside from the orbs, there are also these..." She said, gesturing towards Ahnasha. Ahnasha unwrapped one of the cloths, revealing what appeared to be two hand mirrors. She handed one to Fendros, then looked into the one she was holding. "Our research on the Skaafin was correct." She said, though Fendros would hear her voice not only from right in front of him, but from the mirror as well. Looking into the mirror, Fendros would be able to see Ahnasha's face in it. "Skaafin use these enchanted mirrors to communicate from a distance. They are connected in pairs. We found three. These two are probably a spare set, and the third I have wrapped here is probably connected to another mirror in the hands of a Skaafin commander." "I want some of our scouts in this tower." Meesei continued. "Give your mirror to them, and send Ahnasha's with a message back to our commanders. They can use this tower to help coordinate our movements, and target for our siege weapons. Though, we also need to warn them that the Daedra can do the same with the other towers. If our army in the valley moves forward into their view, before we can capture or destroy them, our army will be at a severe disadvantage. It was at that point that the sound of a war horn echoed across the battlefield. Meesei turned her head up towards the sky and saw the portal hovering over the center of the battlefield, followed by a rain of magically-protected Daedra dropping down from the Dark Anchor. While they were, strictly speaking, allied reinforcements, that did not make them encouraging to see.