[h3]Kushizu Ienari[/h3] Have some fun before the chunin exams tomorrow. A match with another team is not exactly what he would call fun, but, he supposed it could be. Having a friendly match with another team could help prepare them for tomorrow with what they may face. Kushizu cracked his neck by shifting it from left to right. Besides, it has been awhile; they have been on a mission. Nice to get some action in even if it is a simple game of capture the flag. Might even make Emi proud. He has learned much under Emi though she is not what he expected of a teacher. Her carefree approach to training threw him off, but, he has gotten used to it. Not many like her he imagined, and Kushizu sometimes wonders how it would be like if he was trained by someone else. Still, Kushizu liked Emi even if he did not show it. As for his teammates, they were okay. Ataru tends to have his head in the clouds, and Kimiko well is troublesome to work with. But, they are his team, so he has tried to make it work, which will show during this match and the chunin exams tomorrow. After arriving at their side of the field. Kushizu scanned the landscape. This place would make a great spot to stargaze. He could picture it now, lying down in the clearing in the center. Back to the ground with an ocean of stars above him. No one around and with minimum light pollution. A good night that is and mentally slap himself. Focus on the now rather the what could be, and Kushizu walked over to where Ataru was. Kneeling down next to him, "When you are done with the flowers, we got a match to do, and I would rather us have some kind of plan rather than winging it".