Orchid joined Aron in getting ready for combat if this lizardman proved a threat. However he quickly raised his hands to show he was unarmed, and explained his situation. Orchid wasn't entirely certain he could be trusted, given that he could still very well have been a sentry left behind to watch over them, but right now she isn't going to complain about having extra help. She'd leave the talking to Najila as Orchid went around the room carefully poking and prodding things with the blade of her glaive. There could still be a sneaky kobold hidden around here waiting in ambush, so Orchid didn't intend to let her guard down for a moment. [color=firebrick]"As much as I'd like to trade information, we got to keep moving. I don't know what your stuff looks like but there was a storage room way back where we came from. If you hurry I'm sure you can grab what belongs to you and meet back up with us, but we can't stand around here chatting. More so since something shot down our little bird, so I've no doubts they not only know we're coming, they're probably sending goons down here to slow us down, if not spot us."[/color] [hider=Rolls and Info] Orchid HP: 32/34 Armor Class: 18 (Chainmail and Shield) Weapon: 1D10+3 (Glaive) Status: Conversing Perception = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/19351]8[/url] [/hider]