Jase followed with a tilt of his head as Stuart spoke. He hummed as he mentioned about the Faelands, "That sounds rather cool." He said as they entered the room. He moved to help close the rest of the curtains, he moved to make sure the door was locked properly as he looked up towards Stuart with a bit of a weak grin. "That sounds fine." He said as he moved to take off his jacket, tossing it to the side before he moved to slip off his shoes and socks. He flattened out his feet on the floor, watching his paw-like feet flex and relax from being tightly shoved into his shoes. "Oh geeze." He said with a sigh of relief. Jase felt himself shudder as he felt the floor underneath his pawpads. He looked over towards Stuart before he moved to pull off his t-shirt to reveal his torso. His torso was slightly furred, his fur seeming to be the same sort of colouring and visual texture of bark. [hr] As the frequency intensified, Gaia let out a pained yell. She thrashed her head a bit before she pulled away from the wall and energy funnelled through her body, her tail thrashed as she moved to scratch at her ears. She lowered her head in pain before letting out a loud roar. Steph froze up when she heard the noises down the hall and looked towards the way they had come from. "...Gaia?" She asked as she looked to Benjamin. The frequency was starting to trigger Gaia's Instincts, and all it could sense is [i]danger[/i]. Her wings fanned out as she crouched down to all fours as she let out a low rumble.