Fer smiled at the Sword Hero and nodded his head. He completely agreed with Cole that just because they had been dubbed Legendary did not mean that their skills were that just yet. No doubt the weapons and their locked abilities (for that is what the symbol in the many empty slots of his shield abilities must mean) had the capability of becoming legendary but right now with only a day’s worth of work, both the Heroes were far from that tittle. The next comment robbed Fer of his smile as and a slight blush started to rise. He opened his mind to start a stammering reply how that is not what he had meant when Marcino broke the awkward pause with his comment and a shove. The young hero took a step or two to regain his balance and turned to Marcino thankful for the distraction. There was a quick amazement at the strength of the old gladiator. He had meant for the shove to be playful but if indeed that is all it had been, the shove had been stronger than some of the actual fights Fer had been on. [color=0054a6]“I agree with Cole that your training, unorthodox as it may be, will help us on our path towards helping this world”.[/color] He smiled slightly at the warrior.[color=0054a6] “I don’t think you have to worry about me copying you. You have both stated and shown that I am far below your level. However, I think he principles still apply. Your knowledge of this world will also be particularly useful in how to defeat enemies. Also, if needed, I would indeed copy someone’s style. I think being liked is trumped by being victorious.”[/color] He smiled sideways at the older adventurer daring him to challenge that statement. Fer knew that to survive one would have to do what they must. He knew that in some form or fashion all victors learn and copy winning strategies. To his surprise, a higher pitch that normal and rambling escaped from Auriel’s mouth. She seemed to have been lost in thought and suddenly engaged them. He furrowed his brows at this outburst and looked quizzically at her wondering what had made her react so. In his short time knowing the girl he had seen her calm and also drunk but neither time has she looked flustered as she did now. Something was obviously making her unsettled so Fer attempted to help by redirecting everyone’s attention. [color=0054a6]“I don’t mind camping. I think that rest will do us good. Please lead the way Auriel”[/color] he nodded and smiled encouragingly at her. Despite having said that to change the atmosphere, the young hero did feel the touch of exhaustion. He had been enhanced by the shield but even his natural ranging ability was starting to be taxed. He looked in Cole’s and Marcino’s direction to see if they would object.