Although I'm wary about OCs, because I feel most would interpret that as an excuse for fan fiction and self-inserts, pitch #2 resonates the most with me purely because it would be a true year zero. Which, as Inkarnate pointed out, hasn't been done in any of the recent comic-based games here. Having to build up entirely from the start would lend better to a sandbox game, I feel. Less chaotic backstory we need to tiptoe around. The risk of overpopulation for one city is lessened - not going to have a dozen Bat-family characters in Gotham in this. We don't have to shoehorn in all of these former plots regarding past crises, government oversight agencies, deaths of classic heroes. And not really having to worry about legacy characters. Plus, it gives a fair excuse for those who want to play in their own corners for a bit: these characters are all fresh vigilantes, the odds they would meet up and work together immediately aren't high.