Once they made it back to their room at the inn, Sylvia let out a quiet sigh of relief as she sat down on the bed. She could feel the weariness from the day's events catch up to her. She smiled at her friends as she glanced to see that Buddy was going to read, while Pylia had already fallen asleep. She noticed how Syfr was flying out to do owl things, so she figured that she'd call Dinah (if she wasn't here already), and let her do cat things. She turned her attention to Shortfang when he asked her about life back home. She nodded and answered, "Yep! There was always something that either needed to be done or something that can be done recreationally," As she answered, she couldn't help but recall how as a child, she thought everyday life back home was very boring with how repetitive going to school and doing homework was. However, as she grew older and took on more responsibilities along with the school work and other activities such as hobbies and jobs, she didn't think of every day as much. She had to think of her future there...and of her grandparents who grew frailer every day. Compared to her life here in Keratia at this moment... She didn't let her thoughts linger on that. She didn't want to think any further on that. She has responsibilities back home. Her grandparents need her... She finished her answer, focusing her attention off of her thoughts and back to the present moment, "Certainly can't say it was boring back home, even if there were some tasks that get repetitive,"