[h3][color=#166FC2]Cloven Brevis[/color][/h3][sub][@Bartimaeus][/sub][hr] [indent][indent]Cloven was distracted, too distracted. If someone could practically sneak up on him without him knowing… This was truly an issue. And though he tried to hide the weariness of his situation, he had been too close to the issue when she popped up. His auric eyes were heavy, darker in fact. He let out a breath, quiet and long; thinking in truth. Lilliana; he didn’t know much about her but that meant the same vice-versa. Maybe he had found the perfect confidant, in this silent guildmate of his. Least that was his initial hope. [color=#166FC2]“Lilliana, right? Hey...”[/color] Then a rather dubious thought struck him. He squinted with suspicion. [color=#166FC2]“Why are you out here? So far from the Guild?”[/color] [color=#166FC2][i]Does she know? she can't. Is she here to... no, she can't be. You're going crazy.[/i][/color] His fist clenched behind his cloak.[/indent][/indent]