[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: Trails Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Matthew nodded towards Layla when offering to teach him how to throw knives or some other skill sets that she has. He tried not waver in his resolve before Maleficent of all people, if you could even call her that. Colby was right, any sign of weakness and they could eat him alive. So he had to stand there, in his ground, and be strong. If not for himself then at the very least for Colby. Suddenly a magicked barrier began to shower over them. Erecting in the space between the group and Pandoraand Maleficent. It seemed Merlin could clearly see the lines dividing them and knew she had chosen her side. It was a shame to see her go down that route, he may not of known her but Colby seemed to and if she hurt him down the line... It wasn't the time for thoughts like that though. They were protected by what has always been proclaimed to be the strongest wizard, sorcerer, mage, in existence. That meant they were as safe as one could be going up against her. Maleficent looked straight at Matthew and his heart froze. It felt like an eternity had passed before it finally began beating again. His breath holding still and muscles tensing at that single glare. When she finally moved on and the green flames encircled them, his breath slowly released in a shaky manner as if he was in extreme cold temperatures. The flames danced in his eyes at they licked the barrier, his attention turning towards Maleficent when she began to speak. He wanted to ask Layla for a knife to throw, he was a good marksman and had quite the eye for targets, but something told him that provoking Maleficent and throwing the first blow would be a bad idea. But he only wished to disarm her from that crazy dagger in her hand. Colby stepped forward between he and the villain, making Matthew want to reach out and touch him. To tell him that he shouldn't and to get back. But the words fell silent in his throat and his hand didn't have the strength to reach forward, having only a single finger twitch.