"Doors about to open, sarge." The duros rifleman stated as he clenched onto his blaster tightly. Eensil squeezed his frame between the doorway and the wall, this not the idea situation to maneuver out of. Sargent Vale got down on one knee as she clenched a thermal detonator in her throwing hand. Private Vebbar took sight of the explosive and blinked. "If this works I'll buy you all the damn Alderaan Twists I can afford." The medic joked as the door came open with a loud beep. As if timed with the exact moment the door came upon the explosive flew from Zena's hand. It rolled across the open hallway and drew the immediate attention of the stormtroopers waiting for the republic commandos. "Grenade! Look out!" Hollered the nearest one to the detonator as he dove to his side down a hallway, his fellow troopers reacting while two of the unluckiest soldiers were caught in the blast. "Push forward, blasters hot!" Zena exclaimed as she held her A280 firmly, her finger suppressing the trigger as shots range out. Vebb and Eensil did as they were ordered, as the hallway was filled with the chaos of a sudden firefight. The Duros tucked into a side doorway as the troopers returned fire. A second later he yanked a detonator of his own, flicked it on and flung it forward. Another stormtrooper was caught in that blast, leaving four Imperials unable to properly return fire. Two of them blind fired from behind cover as a third popped into the center of the hall, ringing shots down the corridor. He was met with a rapid burst of laser fire to his gut, sending the trooper down and out of the battle. One of the remaining three drew his own thermal detonator, as he popped out of cover he heaved it a grunt. The explosive flew towards the trio of republic soldiers, as Zena hollered. "Push forward! Then hit the deck!" Sargent Vale ordered as the trio sprinted forward, then dove for the floor as the explosive landed behind them. A moment later it ignited, momentarily deafening the commandos. Zena's head swiveled back as she heard Eensil holler in pain, noting the duros was holding onto his left leg. "Fuck!" The rifleman exclaimed, his leg bloodied and bruised but otherwise in tact. He was lucky to not have lost it as he crawled to his side, towards another doorway as the remaining stormtroopers fired at their enemies. Zena quickly drew a smoke grenade, then rolled it in front of her. It filled the corridor with a heavy smog, blocking the view of the their opponents as their shots ran wildly through the hall. "Vebb, help him. I'll hold off those bastards once the smoke clears." Zena ordered as she leaned into a doorway, with her blaster aimed directly where the stormtroopers had been. The medic had survived the blast unscathed and now scrambled towards his wounded comrade. He pulled a bacta laced bandage from the kit on his belt, then wrapped it slowly across Eensil's calve, where the brunt of the damage was done. The bacta would cool then compress the injury, turning it from a potentially life threatening situation to a livable one. Walking would be a more complicated issue though, Eensil would go through absolute hell if he put weight on the leg. "He's not gonna be able to walk ma'am, but he'll survive. Miracle he didn't lose the leg." The Mon Calamari medic stated as he shifted his friend to a more comfortable seated position against the doorway. The duros breathing deeply as the pain slowly alleviated from the battlefield injury. "It was my fault, we should have tried the stairs. We were sitting ducks. I'll push forward and clear out these plastic heads, I need you to watch my six, Vebb." Sergeant Vale ordered as the smoke began to lessen, she blasted a single bolt through the wafting mist and struck the first stormtrooper she saw. Two remained. "Stay right here Eensil, you'll be alright. Try not to move. We'll be right back." Vebb said calmly with a nod and a smile as he drew his own A280. He then tucked in behind their commanding officer as she peaked forward again. A single stormtrooper peaked from the right side, as the soldier popped out to fire at Zena she squeezed the trigger first. A rapid burst of laser tore through the hallway, then dropped the trooper. His gloved hand twitched as he fired his own rifle, the ceiling marked with smoke from the wild shots. One single stormtrooper stood tucked behind the opposite wall, as the lead republic commando shifted forward the stormtrooper waited anxiously. He steeled his nerves, then took a deep breath under his helmet. Then the trooper shifted out from cover, knelt and unleashed a volley down the hallway. The blasts just barely missed hitting Zena as she dove to her side, the trooper had the vulnerable sergeant in his sights. Then he hit the floor hard, a direct headshot dropping him with a whif of smoke. As Zena turned her head she saw the squad's medic smirking proudly. He just saved his sergeant's life. [i]She[/i] owed him a drink for that one. The Aldeerani just shook her head with a smile of her own on her facial features as she pushed forward against the end of the corridor's wall. She took a quick peek around it, then her eyes widened as she made contact with one last straggler who promptly turned tail as he sprinted toards the communications room down the hallway. Intent upon sending a distress signal to the battalions of Imperials in the greater city. "Stop him!" The lead commando shouted as she fired towards him, emptying her blaster in the running trooper's direction. The corridor was lit in an intense red as the bolts scattered through it, smoking the walls and floors. None made contact with the sole surviving stormtrooper as he sprinted through the doorway. Zena ran as fast as her legs could carry her in hot pursuit of the trooper, the squad's medic following behind as he was late to arrive on the scene. As Sergeant Vale reached the room she heard a fiercely loud bang, then another. She practically stumbled through the doors to find the stormtrooper dead on the floor, surrounded by shattered glass. A large hole sat in the window above the communications panel, directly parallel to where Bima was. Their diminutive scout sniper had just saved the day. Another smile drew its way onto Zena's face as she spoke into her commlink. "Command, this is Sargent Zena Vale of Vorn Tiger squad. We have successfully cleared and taken the old republic base on Utrost."