Ray looked to Benjamin and gave a weak nod. [i]"Y...Yes."[/i] Dia frowned slightly she gave a small shudder, looking towards the door as she narrowed her eyes. She hoped Ari was okay, but her current.. physical, form didn't allow for walking through walls. She looked back to Benjamin with a small sigh, leaning back slightly before she fell onto her back on the floor. "God damn it." She uttered quietly before she let out a sigh. "Why doesn't anything go smoothly for us?" [hr] Sara smiled and tucked her new book under her arm and followed after Marc without a word. As he held the door open, she followed to push it open slightly for herself as she uttered a light 'Thank you'. She looked around as she finally properly exited, looking up to the sky, watching the stars with widened eyes. She hadn't seen the stars like this for a while, this was amazing to see them like this in the clear sky. Sara almost forgot about being out for a walk before she linked and looked to Marc as he was a few steps away from her. "Sorry." She saod as she moved to follow after him with a small chuckle. "Sorry, I got bewildered by the stars! I haven't seen them like this in ages!"