[centre][h1][color=chocolate]Marcus[/color][/h1][/centre] Marcus watched as Hope departed before turning his attention back to the guards. Considering they were on high-alert that meant that at least some of the crew members managed to getaway. None of them was visible amongst the remaining party-goers, so hopefully, they made their way back onto the ship. Still, it was too dangerous to lose a single member. Marcus hid his arms underneath his cloak in an attempt to hide the goods. If he crouched and swayed, he could pass for a drunken man. Slightly ashamed of his disguise- the opposite of grace and elegance the man adored- he stumbled toward the guards to try to listen in to their conversation. [hr] [centre][h1][color=8493ca]Anya[/color][/h1][/centre] [@Squirrel98] Anya made her way back onto the upper deck as soon as the fabrics were put into their place. The sails were up and the ship's anchor was the only thing stopping the ship from floating away. Glancing at Jack, she noticed the state of his scarf- it clearly needed washing. Frowning, she decided to convince one of the less busy crew members to do laundry earlier than planned. Once they left the kingdom, it should be safe enough to get on with their less-exciting and less anxiety inducing chores. Marcus's absence was worrisome. They couldn't leave without a direct order and she couldn't help but wonder if the captain was in trouble- if there was something amiss, he should've been back by now, ordering the crew to sail away. Noticing that Hope has returned, she approached to welcome her back: [color=8493ca]''Greetings Hope. I hope you enjoyed the break. That's a lot of things- would you like any help organising them?''[/color]