All from that very night, everybody was overwhelmed by the realization that Master Splinter was alive. Even when morning came, they immediately packed up early, eager to get back and reunite with him. It was a rather abrupt and hasty departure from the farmhouse, but they couldn't sit around any longer. They were going to get him back. Whatever it takes. That very same evening gave them the best luck; the night covered them, like the favored ally, it always was. Casey didn't favor their hideout, but did they really have anywhere else in the city to lay low? Jennifer was about to suggest their apartment, but she didn't want the place to suffer the same fate as to what happened to April's own. The Foot could set the place ablaze again, and put everybody else inside the building at risk. They had to be away from prying human eyes. So, here they were, below the streets, with Casey preferring to spend the night in the truck above. However, some things in their former home seemed out of place: Pizza boxes were all over the floor. They certainly weren't there the last time Jen and Charlie visited. [i]Someone's been creeping around in here[/i], the Asian teen thought aloud. "I still don't see why we don't get started right away", Raphael pointed out, hoping they could make a strike early, and take them out by surprise. "It's been a long drive, Raph, and before we go out advertising to The Foot that we're back, we could all use a few hours' sleep", his older brother reasoned, just as Jen looked around a bit more, before a noise had them all drawing their weapons. Raphael instinctively stood in front of Charlie, single sai in-hand, as he and the brothers approached the closet, opening it to see the same teenage boy that was at April's apartment, during her boss' unexpected visit. "I don't think it's loaded, kid", Raph grumbled, a little annoyed by such unseasonable logic, just as they pulled back. "Where'd he come from?" "Beats me". "Danny, what are you doing here?", April was in alarm, by the time he managed to get out of the closet. "I ran away from home". "Your father's going to have kittens. Does this thing work?", she reached for a phone, until he stopped her, pleading. "Please don't call". Just as Jen was putting her sword away, something occurred to her. He wasn't afraid of them; at least, in the physical sense. [i]’Wait a minute’[/i], she thought, [i]’if only my hunch was right’.[/i] She would have to keep an eye on him. It was strange to see him here of all places.