As was expected, even had Dragopult been at full health. The raw power that Hibiki had immediately knocked out Dragopult but Selina smiled. "Exactly what I wanted, now we're both going at full power with our super Pokemon" She said before returning Dragopult before reviling her three special pokeball, though two were already empty. Zerina and Gileta pop up in the stands in cheerleading outfits. Gilet had an outfit that resemble Hibiki colours showing that she was supporting her best friend while Zerina was in an outfit that resembled Charmcaster showing her support for her sister in arms. Serina then sent out Charmcaster who smiled at Hibiki. "Ready dear sister" She asked her mentally as she pulled her wand out her tail and span it round, before pressing her head to it. The tip of the wand was actually a star piece carved with a unique style as well as the wand itself had been carved with unique symbol adorning it. If one looked at Charmcaster eyes, as she gazed at her wand, their were tears in her eyes as each symbol reflected the family the poachers had torn from her to make her the powerful being she was now.