Okay, so I have some bad news. Initially I thought I was going to have a lot more free time to run this, but after reassessing it the past couple days, I’ve come to realize I really don’t have as much time available as I thought. That combined with some recent personal problems (not related to the previously mentioned gaming group) has helped me decide that now just isn’t the right time for me to run this RP. I feel like if I did so right now, I wouldn’t have the motivation or energy to bring my A-game to the table. I may try this again in a couple months if it looks like I’ll be reasonably capable of doing so without spinning too many plates at once. If anyone wants to be notified in that event, keep the interest check for this RP in your subscriptions so I can notify you then. Again, apologies everyone but I don’t think this was a good time for me to do this.