A strange sound was filling the small skirmish filled alley. A deep bellowing laughter, the source? Kaze. He was honestly having a blast as he treated the smaller humans like ping pong balls, bouncing them this way and that with his human cudgel. While his attacks were easy to read, it was hard to dodge a makeshift weapon that big without being outside of their own effective attack range. The swordsmen were battered, knocked unconscious by the sheer force of his attacks or dying from a snapped spine or neck. It was a two hundred pound bludgeon, albeit a little squishy. Well...well tenderized anyway, the man he was flailing about was well and truly dead, barely recognizable as being a human. But he'd give humans something, even the Imperials, they learned on the fly. They learned to get the hell away from the giant reptilian man and start heckling him with spears. Nicks from their poking appeared on him, he obviously made sure they didn't hit anything vital like his eyes, jugular, carotid artery, etc. The girl, Serafaye, called them jerks and to lay off of him before launching one of their downed men into the cluster. That got another thunderous round of laughter while the soldiers began to panic. [color=red]"None of you have the might to bring me down, nevermind even tire me out!"[/color] He exclaimed with a maniacal grin. Like Sera he launched his human turned meat blob into the ranks before drawing that monstrous sword. Holding the great blade with two hands he affixed his stance as if he were a slugger going up to bat. The electricity roared over the blade as he swung, he was too far away to actually hit anyone. But the sound of wood snapping and popping rung out. He had destroyed the spears that had pecked at him like tiny birds. His rear foot swept in, keeping perfect balance as he moved, and planted before he swung again. The electricity along his blade arced out as the tip bit into the numerous soldiers in front of him. Heating their armor, electrocuting their bodies, and the blade itself cutting into them before the weapon came to a stop millimeters before it struck the building nearby.