[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/PrQ0pf8Z/image.png[/img] [hr][b][color=purple]Location:[/color][/b] New Rome Coffee Shop [b][color=purple]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [hr][hr] The coffee shop was starting to fill up more, especially since the Senate had ended. Marco was working on the various pour overs and other drinks, and almost missed what Nancy had said, but his ears almost seemed to perk up when she mentioned not only his name but Emily's and Waverley's. [color=purple]"Wait and Marco, Emily and Waverly will what?"[/color] He pulled over one of the college age baristas over and told them in no other terms that Marco was taking his lunch right then and there. This was a conversation he needed to be apart of, and probably Emily and Waverly as well. [color=purple]"Hey Em hon... you might want to come over here and bring Waverly!"[/color] Marco picked up the packed lunch Emily had brought him and then he walked over to the table the praetors were sitting at with Niah. [color=purple]"Excuse me ladies, but I think this conversation now involves me so I think I have the right to crash the party. Also I'm pretty damn hungry and Emily brought me lunch."[/color] Marco started pulling things out of the bag and set the food out on the table and smiled. Emily was such a sweet girlfriend, and Marco counted his lucky stars every day that they were together.