Added the requested explanation of his relationship dynamics and history with the Malcolm family. [hider=image] [center][img][/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Information] Name: Akela Talbot Nicknames/Aliases: Ak, Kel, Fuzzball X-Men Code Name: (The "Hero Name" that you would like you character to eventually have.) Gender: Male Age: 16 Physical Description: WT: 105 lbs/47.6~ kg (170 lbs/77~ kg when using gift) HT: 5'3"/ 6'3" Ey: Usually brown, gold and canine-like when using gift. Sk: brown, sometimes grey mottled fur when using gift to extremes. BLT: Small and thin but gains significant height, muscle mass and animal-like features from mutation. [/hider] [hider=Powers] Mutations: Lycanthropy [b]Enhanced Senses -[/b]Ordinarily, Akela's mutation just manifests itself as heightened, animal-like senses and this is what he'll usually imply his ability is if asked. His sense of smell is equal to or maybe even better than a bloodhound's and he can identify and track individual scents in crowded difficult areas and across long distances and times. It also affects his sense of taste to a lesser degree. His hearing is similarly sensitive and he is able to hear very even very faint, far away or high pitched sounds. His eyesight and sense of touch are relatively normal, except for his night vision which is superior to an ordinary human's and lets him see clearly in the dark. [b]Transformed State-[/b] The truth about his powers is that his senses are only a secondary effect. His real mutation transforms him into a savage, physically powerful form with wolf-like features similar to a werewolf whenever he becomes extremely frightened, angry or otherwise overwhelmed. Akela's body gains around a foot of height and a full 70 pounds of mass when his full mutation is active, along with an appearance more like a humanoid wolf. As a result in addition to his super senses he has a limited degree of superhuman strength, agility. reflexes and speed along with powerful jaws and sharp claws and teeth. [b]Regeneration -[/b] When he transforms from human to werewolf form or back again, any injury to either form disappears provided he's still conscious enough to make the shift. He will often instinctively transform in response to injuries. Burns are harder for this process to heal however and he has yet to be pushed to his limits even with his biological family's abuse. Limitations: [b]Overstimulation -[/b] Because of his enhanced senses, sudden or prolonged exposure to things like bright lights, intense or high frequency sounds and overpowering scents or tastes can cause Akela pain or even incapacitate him. With time and exposure he might be able to overcome some of these, but stronger stimuli will likely always hurt him. [b]Uncontrolled Transformation -[/b] As previously mentioned Akela has almost no control over his mutation's wolf hybrid transformation ability. So far he's only ever accessed it instinctively in response to pain, anger, fear and other very primal flight-or-fight type emotions. It may also trigger in response to a severe injury. He can fight it back now that he knows what it is but the stronger the trigger, the harder it is to stop. When transformed, Akela also has very little control over himself. Usually, he'll attack the source of the transformation if angered or threatened and run away to heal if hurt or in pain, but overall he doesn't act too much differently from a very intelligent wild animal. He can stop himself from hurting those he really cares about with effort, but that's about as far as his control goes. [b]Weakness to Fire -[/b] His regeneration is slowed by burns and his animal-like form is naturally afraid of fire and burning due to subconscious memories of abuse by his mutant hating biological father. His human form shares his pyrophobia but is better at hiding and working past it. [/hider] [hider=Personality] Personality: Living with his mutation, his mostly unfortunate childhood and the things he's done and seen because of both has left him withdrawn and afraid of interacting with other people. He's intensely loyal and caring to those few people he currently trusts and is much gentler and sweeter than his irritable, perpetually melancholy loner act lets on. He has some anger issues if someone he doesn't know really well provokes him but he mostly tries to back off and withdraw than confront anyone in any situation given how dangerous he feels he is. He's also a committed vegetarian in human form because of his traumas, in spite of the fact that his mutation means that his body would function much better and stronger if he ate meat. [/hider] [hider=Background] Background: Son of Raksha and Larry Talbot, childhood friends with Veronica 'Ronnie' Malcolm and godson of her father, Christopher Malcolm. At the age of 13, was involved in a car accident that killed his mother. He only has vague, suppressed memories of the event, but survived by using his mutation to heal his injuries. His father started resenting him for surviving when his mother didn't, especially when demonstrations of heightened senses made his mutant powers obvious. His dad became abusive, verbally and emotionally at first, but eventually physically abusive too. One of these incidents caused the full extent of his mutant powers to awaken for the first time. After that incident, he got fostered by and lived with the Malcolms for around three months. Chris Malcolm was much closer to a father figure for Ak than his own dad was, at least or at least better than his dad had been for the past year. He was kind to Ak and tolerant of some of his more eccentric behavior, trying to ease him out of the hurt, defensive shell he'd put up around himself along with doing normal nice dad stuff like taking him and Ronnie out to eat or to movies and similar things. Even so, he always held back some closeness from Ak and never bothered standing up for him against Paige when she'd neglect their alleged 'foster child' or shove him away from the family as an 'embarrassment'. Paige Malcolm basically ignored Ak's existence from the second he came to live with them. Her focus was always on her own reputation and Ronnie, and making sure Ronnie was painfully perfect. The only time she really bothered to notice Akela was on the rare occasion he did something to affect her public image. Around others she acted sweet and kind to him, almost motherly in an empty way. After all, he was such a close friend of the family and isn't it tragic how much the poor thing's been through? But if he ever stepped out of line or embarrassed Paige or Ronnie, she'd do her best to make him feel worthless and unwanted before going right back to ignoring him. At best, she saw him as a way to show off and a side project to keep Christopher and Ronnie busy. At worst he was an embarrassment and a distraction for her daughter from her life's goals. Ronnie and Ak's relationship was surprisingly good both in spite of and because of all these difficulties. Pretty quickly, the two recognized a mutual past of different kinds of abuse in each other and Ronnie decided to protect Ak from the worst of her family's dynamics. Ak similarly decided to trust Ronnie with the truth about his mutation, and the two worked to protect each other from the hardest part of their lives even though in public Paige encouraged Ronnie to be cold to Ak. They'd been friends as young children and in spite of some difficulties at first have developed a close relationship, with Ak considering her the main or maybe only person he trusts. When she was taken away after her own mutation awakening, he was heartbroken, especially because he knew exactly how it felt to lose control and attack someone who might deserve it. When Mrs. Malcolm finally turned him in and brought him to the school, he was almost relieved to be reunited with her again, though he misses Chris Malcolm too. Even with all the emotional hardships, his time there was still his happiest since losing his mother and he's unsure about what the school will really be like. Recap of your mutations awakening: The very last time Akela's abusive father went too far around three months ago, it awakened the boy's full mutation for the first time he could remember. To make a long and gruesome story short, Larry Talbot had figured out some time ago that burns were what his son healed the slowest. Midway through being tormented Ak snapped and went full werewolf, badly mauling his father before escaping the house. He ran into the forest nearby at first, then returned to town the next morning and stole his cellphone back from the house to call the Malcolms, who took him in. [/hider]