[hr][hr][center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/I6mf9Ct4crxUqfPuGcRdA3g-s-RA--eXx7HnRAi9MIA/https/i.imgur.com/ZF1PQyX.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=darkgray]Location:[/color][/b] Atrium [b][color=darkgray]Skills:[/color][/b][hr][/center] [color=darkgray]"There's no legal drinkin' age in space, mate,"[/color] Cal replied to both Kyle and Zari's attempted excuses for her not to drink the liquid, followed by a single-syllable laugh. The laugh faded to a smirk when Sophia gave her point, which caused an unconvinced expression to rest on her face. [color=darkgray]"I mean, I s'pose so, but do we really want her going back in there? You heard her. She's cold and tired. We should let her rest."[/color] As she finished, she felt a sudden absence of the bourbon glass in her hand. Her smirk faded, an annoyed frown taking its place as she watched Raynor down the drink. [color=darkgray]"Oi, that's not yours arse-"[/color] she began, stepping up close to Raynor in an attempt to be intimidating. Her cursing of the man was interrupted by the green-haired girl behind him, her voice immediately catching Cal's attention. She let her head lean to one side to look past Raynor, looking at Zarina with eyebrows furrowed in confusion. As the kid spoke, Cal shook her head in disbelief. Looking at the girl...she didn't remember or feel anything, other than the protective feeling she'd been trying to cover up since meeting the kid. Was she trying to set Cal up? Was she Crucible-ing her? As the girl ran off, the others were quick to turn on her, with Vinnie going on one of her Vinnie rants and Raynor literally threatening her life. The first instinct that popped into her head was to lie, and deflect their distrust onto Zarina. But that protective instinct held her back, keeping the dishonest words from forming. Instead, she took a step back from Vinnie, raising her hands up defensively. [color=darkgray]"What, one shred of doubt and our fast food musical montage means nothing?"[/color] Cal said, her voice sounding offended. It wasn't as much an actual defense, and more of a reminder that Vinnie had remembered her. She glanced at the others, trying to gauge their reactions, before her eyes flitted back to Vinnie. [color=darkgray]"I don't know if you've ever gotten a flu shot, but that can be a traumatic experience for a kid. I probably just jabbed her with a needle wrong, and she never forgave me."[/color] she said, before letting out a sigh. [color=darkgray]"I don't know what the kid's going on about. She doesn't spark any memories or even familiar vibes from me. And to be honest, I care as much about her well-being as the rest of you. More, probably, considering the fact that you fucks let her crawl through a vent to God knows where. Listen, you want to lock me up, mate, then fine. Lock me up. But as soon as you believe that I might be working up for this malicious and mysterious 'Them', you open yourselves up to the possibility that everyone else could be working for 'Them' too. You won't be able to trust a goddamned person here. You won't be gettin' fuckin' anywhere with distrust running that deep. Haven't you ever seen a Red Scare allegory? With that mentality, it won't be long before you rip each other to fuckin' shreds."[/color] Her words got quicker and more aggressive as she spoke. When she reached the end of her speech, she shoved out her hands, holding them together, as if offering to let them handcuff her with handcuffs she knew they didn't have. It was more symbolic than anything. [color=darkgray]"So what's it gonna be? Are you gonna cry witch and throw me in a cell, or are we going to figure this out like adults?"[/color]