Worlds [hider=Gaea]Gaea Continent: Holyoke Description: Holyoke is one of the largest continents of Gaea and is protected by a unilateral barrier developed by the Elves and Sylvan called the Holy Barrier. Over the course of years, it is has been enveloped in a lot of civil wars and domestic wars started from corrupt politics. Holyoke is one of the most unfortunate continents on Gaea being one that has seen more wars than any other continent on Gaea. It is almost always constantly at war. If it's not the Mahzoks destroying the humans then it's the constant feudal lords of Lumina and Rudoria destroying each other for dominion of the continent. While Windgrace has stayed out of the conflict remaining neutral, it always appears that the Pangaea Order is always at the spearhead of the problem. Every time the Church of Sateria has intervened it has ended in disputes and uprisings. They were also responsible for the staging of the Guardia-Rudorian Civil War. It is home to six nations and one establishment formed by the Church of Sateria under the direction of Meister Drausius of the Vampire Cult. Holyoke is considered a Holy Land by many various nations and was sealed off by the Elves and Sylvan to prevent nations like Cimmeria from stealing valuable resources from the continent by conquering the underdog nations that take residence on the continent. The most mysterious and nostalgic of the nations is the Kingdom of Windgrace and it is also the most powerful nation on Holyoke. Windgracian influence is very seldom and they rarely get involved in disputes unless it is absolutely necessary. The next nation used to be a former part of the Lunarise continent, but moved after the dissipation of the Guardia Kingdom. It is one of the most aggressive and a very tyrannous country known as the Rudoria Kingdom. The third was once a part of the Rudoria Kingdom, but declared its independence from the evil queen called the Guardia Kingdom. The fourth was once an enemy of the Guardia Kingdom and is home to the prestigious Rosenau family called the Kingdom of Lumina. The kingdom was named after the spirit Lumina who is the Goddess of Commandment. The next nation is home to the vile and dangerous Mahzok tribe called the Romantha Empire. Despite its appearance, don't underestimate the abilities of the Mahzoks. The last nation is the conquered Anzier Empire which is now a part of Guardia. It was considered the second most advanced civilization on Holyoke. Countries Guardia Kingdom Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] Appearance City: [url=][img][/img][/url] Capital: Ereis Eisan History: The Guardia Kingdom was once a famous nation that existed in ancient times. The nation was founded by one of the Ancients known as Idris after the dissolution of the evil Avernia Empire. Idris was one of the many descendants of the holy blood that destroyed the evil King Xhosa once planned to use the power of Avernus to rule the entire Galean world. Knowing the outsiders of the Gaelan cause would not involve themselves, the spirits which are well-known in the Universe descended upon the Gaealan planet and took a temporary humanoid like form. They offered upon many of those who were chosen to be their representatives and brandished into their hands a weapon crafted from their own blood and handed it to their children who were born of their own blood as mortals that would protect the order of Gaea. Of these many figures, Idris was one of them. Idris along with the most famous Elian Crusaders Elyria, Loshan, Flambard, Azrael, Aurelian and various others grouped together during the Ehtolian Miracle and marched the Avernian Empire. With the power of the deities in their hands, they managed to slay the evil Harken King Xhosa and seal the power known as Avernus. With the dissolution of the Avernia Empire, the Ancients discovered civilizations of their own and established their own nations which they would govern the people and try to ease their suffering hearts helping them the best they could. Idris Guardia formed the Guardia Kingdom. The Guardia Kingdom that Idris originally formed passing down his holy weapon known as the Spear of Order Eivanal Reisakan from generation to generation toward those who bear the holy blood of Emerlink. The original Human Guardia Kingdom was founded by Saint Idris was founded on the Lunarise continent. The nation would enjoy a course of peace for over a thousand years until the rise of the Tyrant King. Talanos was an evil king who desired supreme dominion over the world and created the two races known as Machuna and Repros. He tried to use these new creations to rule the world after he had become possessed by the unsealed Avernus. Again, the Ancients rose up once against to destroy the one who threatened to revive the ancient Avernia Empire. Amongst those famous of the Ancients who rose up against the nation were Vermilia Axthrusia, Philshodiare Valdaria, Adelicia Lumina, Eirvanthasa Rudoria, Raelstek Guardia, Ghaleon Cimmeria, Nakuoyut Dragonia, Thali Aventhosai, Myra Aventhosai, Nephenthal Romantha, Sacron Romantha, Leventhalus Romantha, Iristalia Vashuna, Allure Rosenau, Ambrose Xandria, Halfenaijuen Xeivanthestra and various other unnamed Ancients who banded together once again and thwarted the ambitions of the evil king slaying him. To protect those innocent within the Guardia family, it was agreed upon the various leaders who destroyed the evil nation of Guardia that it be dissolved and moved whereupon it would be given a new name. An Idris descendant named Eirvanthasa Rudoria would rename the famous Guardian nation Rudoria and assume full control of it after Prince Raelstek who opposed his father and helped kill his father had stepped down from power. After the Prince Raelstek surrendered power of the Guardia Kingdom toward Eirvanthasa he would flee to the Land of Xiria where he would be given refuge from the outside world. While the Rudoria family maintained a benevolent rule, most Guardia member houses did not oppose her at all. Some had their questions if she was really what people said she was, but their doubts were answered when she declared freedom for those who were opposed and worked in collaboration with the common people to establish a new reputation for herself. Unfortunately even after the removal of the Cimmeria Empire from Rudorian territory that the peace ensured by Eirvanthasa would be short lived. Her sudden death due to illness left the power of the nation in the hands of her two children Prince Delmiund and his half sister Princess Ezmeralda. Delmiund tried to maintain the peace that his mother tried to keep within Rudoria, but his sister Ezmeralda worked against him. She hated her brother who had abandoned the traditions of royalty and allowed to adopt a common child who was soon to be named as Prince Razhard. Unhappy with his sister’s actions, King Dermiund stripped his sister of control and placed her under house arrest. Many nobles were very unhappy with this decision by the king where they plotted against him. Various famous houses loyal toward Eirvanthasa’s daughter Ezmeralda thought the king had crossed the line by removing the duchess from the influence. Fearing that commoner influence would soon arise within the kingship, both the powerful Glasford and Danasta Houses conspired together with the duchess and successfully assassinated her brother Delmiund. They then replaced Prince Razhard ruling him unfit to rule since he could not wield the holy weapon blessed by Emerlink with the more capable duchess Ezmeralda who would later become queen. The prince who was unhappy with Ezmeralda’s treatment of him and various other people staged an uprising. When the queen had attempted to kill the prince by sending him to Ereis Eisan, he plotted against her knowing about her assassination attempt and thwarted it. Upon thwarting her attempt to kill him he declared the area of Fallansta independent from the queen’s cause at the decree of various nobles who wanted to restore the famous Guardia House. The Guardian nobles asked the prince to abandon the Rudoria name and restore the glory of the Guardia family. This was at the request of two of the most powerful Guardian Houses Luminais and Provance. Though both were just using the prince for their own ends, they worked together with him to declare him the new ruler of the newly arisen from the ashes like an awakened phoenix nation of Guardia. The Provance family tried to offer the hand of their beautiful daughter Sabra to the hand of the new king. Though houses once loyal toward the Guardia cause, but now siding with the new king advised against the marriage where they would try to take control of Guardia once he conquered Rudoria.. They informed him that it was an attempt for them to try to win control over the nation of Guardia one day and that they’d attempt to assassinate him like Ezmeralda did toward his adoptive father. Both the Ingrassia and Regalus Houses both successfully convinced the king to reject the proposal which did not make the two other families very happy. Waiting for their attempt to get their revenge, the two houses continued to follow under the leadership of the king. They even helped him repel the Demon Siege waged by the evil queen after she had invaded the nation and gotten in as far as Ereis Eisan the capital due to the fall of their ally Anzier. When she attempted the mass holocaust of the Guardian people is when Lumina and Windgrace stepped in and thwarted her attempt. They also forced the Romantha Empire and Pangaea Order to remove themselves from the influence of the Rudoria Kingdom for now as well. Winning back all his territory with the help of the Windgrace/Lumina alliance, the king is now declared a counter offensive where he plans to destroy Rudoria. Once and for all he plans to remove the evil queen from power and unite the oppressed people of that nation. Description: Guardia is a benevolent nation, but due to powerful and greedy nobles who try to control the hearts of the people it is corrupted making it hard for people to trust the advisers of Razhard. Many people feel that both the Ingrassia and Regalus Houses are using their influence to manipulate the king's actions. One of the many detested suggestions that the king has employed due to the fear of those who might try to aid the queen was to enforce martial law. Though martial law is enforced by the king, he reminds his soldiers and nobles to be courteous toward the people. Unfortunately, not all of his subordinates listen to his suggestions and try to steal common wealth from various common-folk who they do not want to become powerful like they are for the fear they might try to influence the king to stop listening to his most supposedly trusted subjects. Guardia is still enveloped in civil wars and has domestic problems that even the king can't solve at this time. The nation has strict laws when it comes to magic usage. They only allow practical means of magic to be practice and all forms of magic that are offensive and meant to harm are not allowed to be used within public influence. Those who use magic must register themselves in order to be legal practitioners of magic. Legal practitioners of magic carry around cards confirming that the Magic Council is allowing them the privilege to harness and hone their magic at the expectation of the use of it will be proper and not mishandled. The common folk have still lost their faith in Guardia despite Razhard trying to stand up for them so they aren't isolated like royals like to do. They are still persecuted by various houses that only temporarily support the King's cause. Due to the military support he needs and the lack of resources, Razhard has no choice other than to listen to his advisers for now. Some of the common folk mock him calling him a figurehead or puppet for the nobles to use and abuse. A form of magic that is not allowed by the Guardian foundation for magical arts is called Arcant. Any practitioners or followers of the Cult of Total Eclipse are arrested and sentenced to death by either hanging or being burned at the stake. The technology on Gaea is not very advanced and a lot of its residence are still within the steam age. The most logical form of technology used by this nation is Steam-tech which has produced some powerful vessels that the king can use at his disposal to safeguard his nation from a Rudorian invasion. These airships that are produced have many capabilities, but most are used in the military to further the king's resolve to unify the lands torn apart by the queen's tyranny. The architecture and buildings of the nation are quite medieval where there are some areas that are influenced by Phaedrian Windgracian Magitek. Though these areas are scarce and there isn't a whole lot known about the Magitek other than the necessary Magitek technology that Windgrace provides toward the people of Guardia. Some of the Magitek is used to make the airships manufactured by the Guardian company giant Reizenfelt Enterprises stronger and more versatile. The people of Guardia are devout followers of their ideal goddess Emerlink. She is the one who helped found their nation originally and her guidance is what most people seek in the Phaedrian community. She is considered to be a form of Deity Worship since those who follow the Emerlink tradition are only found within the walls of the Guardian nation. The only other devout followers of the goddess is the rival nation of Rudoria. Those who believe in the Goddess of Salvation believe that she encourages them to seek happiness and prosperity through their own free will. Though some have deemed the martial law imposed as acting against the goddess and call those who imposed as heathens and infidels. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rudoria Kingdom Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] Capital: Theobald aus Vanier History: The Kingdom of Rudoria was formed from the ashes of the once famous Guardia Kingdom and moved from the Lunarise continent to the Holyoke continent. The nation was founded by the famous and well-known Ancient Eirvanthasa Rudoria. Rudoria would enjoy a peaceful reign for several decades, but its joy of happiness would be short lived when Eirvanthasa became ill and eventually died of illness leaving her two children Delmiund and Ezmeralda to take over in her stead. Delmiund tried to continue his mother’s traditions, but his half sister Ezmeralda who was being influenced by the powerful Glasford and Danasta Houses started to impose upon the people and treat them like trash. Commoners were treated like peons and sacrificed at the mercy of the princess when corruption came into play where thieves and brigands tried to steal from the nobles. The princess forced the common people who were friends of these individuals to aid in the endeavor of removing such corruption from the land. The pointless slaughter of her own citizens did not make her brother happy at all. When she attempted to kill his adopted son Razhard is where Delmiund drew the line and removed the duchess from power. He assumed all control for himself then declared compensation from the nobles for the damage they inflicted upon the commoners they oppressed. It was to this that lead toward Delmiund’s eventual demise. They were unhappy with the removal of Ezmeralda and didn’t want a common child taking control of their nation. The two most powerful houses plotted with Ezmeralda where they successfully assassinated Razhard’s adoptive father. Upon doing this, they ruled Razhard unfit to rule due to the fact he could not wield Emerlink’s holy weapon and ousted him from the throne replacing him with his evil aunt Ezmeralda. Ezmeralda hated Razhard though she tried to sympathize with him in regard and respect toward his father so he didn’t know that she had assassinated him. When she was given the opportunity to finally rid herself of the nuisance, she took full advantage of it. An opportunity to get rid of the prince finally arrived during the Ereis Eisan Uprising. She knew if she sent the prince to deal with the uprising that he would side with the people where upon she would have him killed for treason. The prince knew the queen was trying to sully his name and in turn thwarted the queen’s attempt to assassinate him and at the suggestion of the Guardia House declared Ereis Eisan and its followers independent reestablishing the fallen Guardia Kingdom. Enraged by the fact the prince was still alive, her assassin Colmantz was executed for treason and conspiring with the prince when she thought he was a spy. She then formed sanctions against the newly declared King Razhard and formed a coalition with the Pangaea Order who declared that the formation of the Guardia Kingdom violated the terms that the Guardia family agreed to and that they were no longer protected by the Order and along with the human hating nation of Romantha. With these three nations she invaded the Anzier Empire and conquered it stripping the king of his only ally. Knowing that the war could be easily won she invaded the Guardia nation and pushed their forces back into their capital. Hating everyone within the capital for having support the prince she at the suggestion of Drausius unleashed a horde of demons amongst their kind which would later be known as the Demon Siege. When it had come to common knowledge that the queen had violated her terms and agreement she formed with both Lumina and Windgrace both responded with an alliance with Guardia. They along with the remaining Guardian cause repelled the ruthless onslaught of the queen and removed her from the Guardian territory forcing her back into her nation Rudoria. As the queen regroups after her crushing defeat due to the Savior Coalition, she is now under siege from an assault and counter offensive that is being waged by the Kingdom of Guardia. Description: Rudoria is probably one of the most common nations that is hated by the common people due to its treatment toward them. They also think that the current Guardia faction is no different with the power hungry nobles controlling the king of the nation. The country of Rudoria, itself, is ruled by a heavy iron fist wielded by the tyrannous queen known as Ezmeralda. The queen has very little toleration for influence that results in revolts or uprising against her. She has quelled all attempts at such rebellions and put all the leaders who instigated them to death. It is due to this fact she is often known as the Queen of Darkness or sometimes even called Merciless Eternal Queen of Immorality. Those who support her cause are expected to tribute to show their allegiance toward the queen and those who do not contribute are usually arrested and forced into either hard labor or even massacred when they are forced to become tools of entertainment in her coliseum to keep the nobles happy. The coliseum was one of her many ideas at keeping the nobles true to her cause. She would allow them to scout for prospect slaves that would be forced into competition killing each other, captured monters or Ragnanite Demons supplied by the evil Drausius. Commoners steer clear of the coliseum area in fear of being captured and being used as tools of entertainment. Most of those who become captives and forced into these festivities are known supporters or followers of Razhard. She treats the common-folk as trash whereupon the poorest and most unfortunate who can’t provide tribute toward the Rudorian cause are either forced into hard labor as slaves or made into gladiators to amuse the nobles who pay her tribute. Many of the slaves forced into these harsh environments usually don’t live long. A lot of them have been killed in coliseums whilst others have died from fatigue and injury due to the harsh working environment in the mines. One common thing they all die from is etherium poisoning from extracting the Etherium Crystals necessary for the production of military vessels for the nation. The nation of Rudoria has become totally corrupt because of this influence and the common people suffer as a result of the actions of the greedy nobles. Some of the commoners mock the queen knowing full well that she is just a figurehead for the nobles to use and abuse. They know full well that the queen is too stupid to realize that she is being manipulated by the various powerful and resourceful houses who support the Rudorian cause, but don’t care about her that much. As a result, she allows the many houses that make up the nobility to do as they please. Thanks to this neglect, both nobles and soldiers alike rob from common families who are making enough just to survive stealing any of their valuables and their hard earned money they made for themselves. Others have went to more sinister methods such as kidnapping women and forcing them into marriages by selling them at auctions toward both nobles and gladiators who survived the trials alike. Thanks to these many misdeeds, the common folk of the nation have become restless and would if given the opportunity turn against her and aid a faction who is fighting against her. Meaning many would support the king if he would unify their hearts and free them from the evil clutches of the queen. Magic is one of the most common practices of the Rudoria Kingdom, but those who are allowed to practice the art are limited to the nobility. Commoners and peons are not allowed to use any forms of magic and are prohibited from attempting learn them. Even alchemy is banned from use by common people. Those who contribute toward the royal family are blessed with the privilege to practice any form of magic they deem necessary. She sometimes even allows them to practice these forms of magic on the grounds of the commoners not caring what happens to them. She thinks they’re just lambs for the slaughter anyway. Useful as shields to protect her against assailants in her eyes, where she has allowed those who serve in the military who are commoners the privilege to practice magic as long as they abide by the rules. They are not allowed by any means to teach these standards toward those who are not in the military if they are commoners. Those who violate these laws are sentenced to be burned at the stake and offered as a sacrifice toward atonement for going against the teachings of Emerlink. Technology within the Rudorian faction has increased ever since the capture of the Anzier Empire. The Rudoria Kingdom has now started to install strict nature influencing Eco-Industrial standards toward its regions and has shutdown any organization that pollutes the air. While they maintain the ways of Steam-tech for strategical implications, they have increased their standards on what they expect form technology. The queen loves her beautiful nation that she shares with those who follow her, but doesn’t allow common influence in any of her scenic beautified areas. Those who violate the no pollution standards are arrested and brutally punished. Rudoria also has airships like their neighbor rival and sworn enemy Guardia. The airships they produce are far more advanced than their previous versions which are still being used by the Guardian military. Thanks to their evolution of technological standards, they have gotten a leg up on their rival. It is also thanks to Guardian attempts at Magitek and espionage that they have now learned the ways of the Ancients. The new Rudorian capital Theobald aus Valnier is a prime example of their evolution where the new city built on a floating island has moved the headquarters of their nation toward the sky. Religion wise, most Rudorians idolize the Goddess of Salvation known as Emerlink though others follow some of the allowed religions due to their compliance with other nations or organizations. These religions range from Saterianism all the way to the evil Cult of Total Eclipse. As long as these religious groups do not try to impeded the purpose of Emerlinkism she doesn't mind their practices being brought into her nation. She expects them not to follow their teachings, but to at least respect the values which are being taught to the people through these practices. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Romantha Empire Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] Capital: Description Kingdom of Windgrace Appearance City: [url=][img][/img][/url] Appearance Academy: [url=][img][/img][/url] Appearance Castle: [url=][img][/img][/url] Capital: Description: Anzier Empire Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] Appearance City: [url=][img][/img][/url] Capital: Description: Kingdom of Lumina Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] Capital: Description: Pangaea Order Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] Capital: Description: __________________ Continent: Ytrelia Countries Cimmeria Empire United State of Ibelia Vemelia Liberation United Holy Land of Xiria ______________________ Continent: Sidel Avanayru Countries Republic of Sylvanastra Zaranphanthalus Republic _____________________ Continent: Xanathare Countries Kingdom of Eden Valguard Federation Gaelan Pangalactic Federation Establishment Gaelan Erewhon Pavilion Establishment ________________________________ Continent: Lunarise Countries Xandria Kingdom Democratic State of Omathuyjra Ruins of Valdaria Kingdom Ruins of Guardia Kingdom Forbidden Land of Sidel Aneras __________________________ Continent: Alis Astralia Countries Republic of Eivantha'avali United Emirates of Avarona Sacred Dragonia Dynasty[/hider] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Terravana Meidar II Dravonaru Celestia Salecia Emacia Phlaxia Khemina Rudora Mathar Sadar Veliana Harkonia Sidel Anayres Ravalka Trylsvana ________________________________________________________________________________________________________