[@AtomicNut] [color=firebrick]"I'll get straight to the point then,"[/color] The smaller Clara said carefully. It was clear Diana was in some sort of pain, but the Greater Clara's information network had failed to capture what exactly the source of it was. Their records as they got closer to the present day were sparse as their various familiars started to realize something was wrong. The Greater Clara was likely working on it as they spoke, but mini Clara was missing a great deal of context here, and there was no way for her to really know. Celestine Lightbringer was dead and by one of their own. There was nothing Clara could really do about that. So, even if it felt bad in the moment she had to be honest with what they wanted from her. One way or another, Diana certainly wasn't a bad person. Not like they were. She could make it through this, with or without them. So... [color=firebrick]"We need you, Diana."[/color] She said. [color=firebrick]"Mephisto's is fractured. Clara's been missing for a while as I'm sure you've noticed, and well, the reason is me."[/color] [color=firebrick]"It's a... long story, and I'm sure you don't really want to know. All you need to know is, this isn't a request from Clara, it's a request from me. She needs your help."[/color] She finished.