The steady pour into Gorosk's mouth as the orc held himself on the verge of the conscious and living world alone proved as successful as the man knelt beside him could have prayed for. The brew of spell infused compounds had wondrous effect one it was quaffed and Gorosk's wounds were surrounded by dim glow that faded, the bleeding stanched, the gashes largely knit, the subconscious searing burn of them fading away from his thought. Coherency and cohesion returned at last, the bottle set aside and empty of its once blood-tinged contents. It was as miraculous as anything else magic could do, ever so slightly alarming each time in how extreme the contrast had been; a man on verge of death was spared his life by the magic draught. With no further blood seeping into the exposed underground of their own, the threat was stabilized and all that awaited now was the final chamber. They had pushed back, nay, destroyed each and every attempt by the creatures to repulse them. Perhaps some had fled, perhaps some were absent during this hour of massacre, perhaps, perhaps, perhaps, but it was nothing they could busy their thoughts with. Surely whatever of them remained, if any, could be taken by the militia and the peasantry who were set to resettle this plot, and only did that become possible by their doing. That made it no less ominous a future as Beaumont extended a troubled, tired hand to the man-orc and pulled him back to his feet, however. With but one final potion in their possession which they may well need for the battle ahead after, the paladin thought better against keeping it hidden away again. Altering the leather of his belt just enough to fit the thin necked, thick glass container to fit against him, it would be ready at moment's notice - to work in absence of what once his hands could do through the power of Erithar. The fallen soldier and elf rejoined the other two in the meantime as they found nothing of merit or note in this cell of the rats' lair. Short of Tracan, who had avoided all harm, each of them appeared haggard although she seemed as indignant as ever that they were sent to kill these creatures or legitimately die trying; her bow poised low, arrow casually knocked, her pointed elven features on edge. "Onward?" The fighter questioned, to which the others nodded or voiced their agreement, de Brey channeling his breath. Hustling, leading the group in order of their brief march, he was determined to again take the brunt of whatever awaited them next. It was his duty, his oath, and he was committed to not reliving another failure as his last, even if that cost him his life as price for the recklessness and overabundant courage. It was then through the final bend they discovered the first sign of trouble, the torch he bore leading the way as the lantern the paladin carried opposite the potion on his belt illuminated the entourage. There were bones scattered upon the floor, gnawed, both human and animal and many of them. Presumably this was where they hoarded their larder and the reason why was clear. An enormous one of the vermin shrilled at them with a hiss and clatter of its teeth, its back cooped up against the wall, a size and body like a well-fed sow. It had heard them coming, carving through its nest, and it was all that was left now. Everything else had been removed and all that remained now was this creature, whose anxiety manifest as a hurried dart to one side of its room upon its legs then the other. It proved just as alarmingly fast as the others and cornered as this, they knew what danger a beast posed. [hider=Effects] Initiative Table Vah'lux - 16 Tracan - 14 Creatures - 9 Gorosk - 6 Renault - 3 Quentin - 3 A lone Medium sized [i]dire rat[/i] awaits them, presumably the den mother of the lair and the one responsible for the atrocities seen here. It is cornered with no way to escape and will fight to the death. The party needs roll for initiative.[/hider] [@BangoSkank][@Hellion][@Lord Wyron][@TyrannosaursRex]