[center] [@Akayaofthemoon] [@Canaryrose] [color=9956ff]Thanks, but I’ve got somewhere to be, I guess we can talk later.[/color] there was a very slight tint of sarcastic flirtation in her voice, she wasn’t [i]actually[/i] hitting on Hana, was she? Oh well, it doesn’t matter. Since her elusive drink was somehow gone already, she started towards the house from the table everyone got clapped at. [color=9956ff]Later Hana.[/color] And Like that, Iris was gone. Walking towards the big old house alone in the late setting sun. At least she thought she was alone until a little gremlin crawled out of her pocket and up onto her shoulder... [color=9956ff]”How’d you get in there, Corvus?”[/color] That was the name of a creature made of twine, wood and glass, that she created. A golem. She called him “Corvus” because of the crow feathers he kept getting stuck between the twigs in his legs. He was roughly 6 inches tall, and had a small, glowing blue vial stuck in his chest. That was his heart. Corvus didn’t have a face, but under Iris’s sleeve was a bracelet that let her talk to him. Come to think of it, the glow was a little off, probably the heart growing weak. [color=9956ff]”Just don’t fall.”[/color] Corvus was one her the more permanent golems she made, he was cute, so she kept him. Looks like Corvus felt like seeing Iris become a proper witch. Maybe he wanted to meet the elders, or maybe not, because he has the mind of a puppy, and couldn’t speak. After a few minutes of walking, with the little wooden golem’s legs dangling from her shoulder, bobbing like a toy, she finally arrived at the house. The sun was behind the roof, and it looked like she was the first one there. Corvus’ faint glowing heart shining into the dim field around her. She took a seat on the porch steps, waiting while putting back in her music. [i][sub][url= https://youtu.be/0Qm5rd1kciM]Illuminate My Heart, My Darling.[/url][/sub][/i][/center]