[center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/uFY0Reo.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/KNueJNm.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/faFVXYs.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/X7zKc5z.png[/img] [hr][hr][/center] [quote=Isla][color=f26522]“I can teleport us all back to the station… but it doesn’t seem like a good idea since whatever that voice seems to want us on this train! Maybe we just need to sit tight, or maybe there’s something on this train that’ll help us!”[/color][/quote] Most of what Isla said was lost... as per usual since she was a talkative motherfucker. There was one thing on Zoey's mind. "... Is there even a station to even teleport to?" The Othergrounds constantly changes, and even if they teleported, who's to say they weren't teleporting into some type of void? Speaking of the void, Zoey looked forward and all she saw was nothing except for the train tracks. They were floating on fucking [i]air[/i] and Zoey ain't having none of that. Looking down all she saw was nothing... shit, it looked like they had no choice but to run down this trail. Then the tracks disappeared and the train began falling. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Zoey screamed at the top of her lungs as the cigarette flew out of her mouth and she was floating. Okay, she was used to weird shit but this was something else. [i]What the hell were they even falling into?[/i] Then they seemingly phased through the train... and stopped on seemingly nothing. The train went falling into the abyss and the only thing she was worried about was the fact some of her cigarettes went down with it (rip). They were standing... on nothing? While something went through [i]nothing?[/i] "Okay..." Zoey trailed off as she pulled out a cigarette and looked around. "... This shit's starting to make my head hurt." She lit it as she heard sobbing. Turning her head she saw a little girl curled up on the ground, crying. Zoey raised an eyebrow as she couldn't discern much of her features... other than that head of red hair on her head. The girl was crying and Zoey walked over to the girl and kicked her square in the back. "Hey, are you oka-" "... OhmyGodIamsohappytoseesomebodyit'sbeen[i]years[/i]sinceIseensomebodyyearsIsay!" The girl rambled as she pounced Zoey and she almost thought she was under attack as the girl cried into her chest. Zoey had her hands up, apprehensive as her sigil began glowing. "Alright kid," Zoey started, "Get your face out of my rack, sister!" She pushed the newcomer away and got a good look at the girl. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2b/59/00/2b5900b6d1765d4611744be0a8b0b823.jpg]A short young girl with a bright head of red hair, she was like ten years old or something.[/url] She brushed her hair away as she smiled. "I... I didn't know I could get you here," the strange little girl said. "Alright," Zoey immediately recognized her voice as the one voice that they heard in their head when all the weird shit happened. She was gonna need a cigarette for [i]this[/i]. Zoey, thus, lit the cigarette and took in a deep puff. "... Who the hell are you, your voice sounds familiar." "I'm... Rosalyn Black," She introduced herself, "You can call me Rose." "... Did you bring us here?" Zoey asked and Rose nodded. "Why?" "I... didn't mean to," Rose answered as she pulled up her sleeve and revealed the sigil of a palm tree. "My... power pulls people here. At... random. I'm sorry I had to. I haven't seen a person in so long." "Sorry but I'm playing the world's smallest violin here, sugar," Zoey shook her head as she took a drag of her cigarette. "I've been trapped here, in this space, for years... so long I don't even know anymore," Rose started as she wiped a tear. "It was selfish, but I saw everything and... I'm sorry. So sorry for everything that happened here. Not just your friend's death, but all of them." "How about we ask these questions later, Zoey?" Hagan said as he placed a hand on Zoey's shoulder before he looked up at Rosalyn. "... How do we get out of here?" "Think I haven't tried to get out of here?!" Rose lashed out... before she sighed. "For so long... I've been trapped here. I tried everything to break free but... it didn't work. None of it did." She sighed again. "... At least we'll be stuck here together." "Yeah, fuck that, sugar," Zoey said as she turned towards Isla. "Okay, think you can teleport us out of here? Right now..." Zoey looked around. "... I think our options are limited."