[quote=@Dolerman] Plus if pricey pre-orders are the mark of a shitty company, then CD Projekt red is going to be in a lot of bad books when Cyberpunk 2077 releases a 100 dollar ultimate edition that has a keanu reeves action figure or a pink glowstick. [/quote] Well I mean when you have anything resembling this... [hider=Watch Dogs] [img]https://ggtriple.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/watch-dogs.jpg[/img] [/hider] Then yeah, you're milking it just a bit too much, don't ya think? And frankly, pre-order culture for digital media is just plain retarded as it is... [quote]Cyberpunk 2077 is on it's 3rd delay. But even if it wasn't there is sort of a pandemic happening.[/quote] Yeah see, when I assume a game is going to be mediocre at best. I don't know what you think you're saying when you're telling me that the game has also had several delays and staff problems like TLOU2. Yes, yes it has? And that's usually not a good sign in this industry, is it? [quote]Is this the review embargo? Doesn't it make sense to keep a game with heavy plot twists under wraps as long as possible?[/quote] Well not being able to review half of your game for a review is on par with what Ubisoft did with Middle Earth Shadow Of War. And yeah, I don't think that's particularly beneficial to anyone either. But no, I'm talking about false DCMA censorship of youtube channels that covered the leaks. [quote]Not aware of this, elaborate?[/quote] Numerous things said and done by Naughty Dog and TLOU2's creators. But a lighter one that comes to mind, which is something I'm aware of because of Jim Sterling, was one writer was comparing TLOU2's story to Schindler's List. And it's director directly attacking several high profile individuals for chiming in to mock that notion.