[hr] Hi there! I'm new here. I don't know for sure what one is supposed to put in these interest checks, so if I miss some vital info and you have questions about it, PM me. Under the hider you'll find information about my style of writing and my requirements for a partner! [hider=take a peek!] - My biggest requirement is that you are friendly, cooperative, and ready to chat about ideas. I can't stress enough how much I rely on a fun and engaging partner to stay interested in the stories we write. - Be 18+, as I like to include more mature scenes in my writing including depictions of violence and sometimes dark or intense themes. I don't mind romance between characters, but that's not what the 18+ warning is for. If anything sexual happens in the story, I prefer a fade-to-black type deal. - That being said, I love it when my partners are open to romance between characters, but will be totally fine if it doesn't happen. If we are chatting OOC, it deepens both of our understandings and makes fleshing out the characters and their relationships far more interesting IC. - Love is love, and so I'm open to romances between any genders, or between any NB character(s). - As far as characters, I like to do short character sheets before beginning, just to get a handle on who the cast of the show is. I will mostly just do detailed descriptions of how my own characters look, but if that's not your thing, then an IRL faceclaim will work for me too. Anime or cartoon characters are just not my taste. - I like to add photos, gifs, and music to my posts. I'm still trying to figure out formatting on this site, but I know I'll get the hang of some fun formatting for my posts, too. -[b] LAST BUT NOT LEAST! [/b] You HAVE to be able to provide at least 4+ solid paragraphs per post (I'll probably be sending significantly more than that your way). I want to build unique stories with interesting characters, and I also don't want to be putting in significantly more effort than my partner. Feel free to take your time in writing posts for me (I'll be doing the same), but if you'll be out of contact for more than a few weeks, please let me know. Also, if you become uninterested, please let me know. I promise to extend the same courtesy to you. [/hider] [hr] Hopefully, somebody read through all of that and made it here! Below this hider, you'll find the general ideas I have as well as some more specific options. Again, I love to discuss, so if anything at all catches your interest, please DM me to brainstorm and chat! I'm going to try and sort my ideas into categories, though there may be some overlap. [hider=ideas] [hr][hider=Historical] [b]- I'd love to explore anything related to the American west, whether that's a legendary outlaw gang or just some wandering travelers coping with the heat and the hopelessness of the desert. More specifically, I think it would be fun to explore an organized crime association in the mid 1800s in the New Mexico or Utah Territory area. That, or something along the lines of a prisoner and deputy getting stranded out in the middle of nowhere and having to coexist to survive.[/b] - Prohibition era; I'd be down for the mafia aspect, or the Gatsby-type super rich who potentially get into too much trouble and get into a cat-and-mouse with law enforcement. In fact, a cat-and-mouse concept for any of these ideas sounds pretty good to me! Additionally, I'd love to explore some unique settings with this one. If you prefer a fantasy aspect to be involved, a vampire clan that's also a gang seems like an exciting prospect to me! - Prohibition era (pt.2): The great depression was a really bad time for a lot of people. I'd love to explore a found family type deal with characters of mixed ages, that don't have anyone to care for them for any number of reasons. Again, a unique setting would be really neat with this. In the dust bowl, on the bayou, or in the lonely eastern Midwest? Or, as it was a global event, perhaps somewhere outside of America? I'd love to chat about this more! [/hider] [hider=Fantasy] -Anything set in a dark, gritty, medieval fantasy world sounds right up my ally! My particular areas of interest on this one include a power-play between people and royalty that begins with some kind of monster infestation and is only heightened by the knights using excessive force to control the people by order of the king. Having one character each on either side of this dynamic would be really interesting, I think. -A small town or island that's full of weird people. Whether these people are witches, werewolves or ghosts is up to us! When a new person comes into town that doesn't quite belong, I'd love to discuss the possibilities of what would happen! This could also work in any time period, but I think the 50's or 60's would be neat. -Cops and robbers style detective story of a vampire clan and the police (again, any time period works). -I'm really open to discussing the addition of a fantasy element to any of the above ideas (or the below ideas!) [/hider] [hider=Misc] - Zombie. Apocalypse. Not just fighting zombies either, but finding a family or at least a group of people you can trust despite how awful the world is. Of course, fighting zombies is a big YES! as well. - A dystopian future society in which humans and aliens are warring factions. Maybe something happens that makes a select few aliens/humans see the other race in a more flattering light? [/hider] [hider=Fandom] *NOTE* for fandom-based rps, no canon character involvement (except POTENTIALLY in brief mentions of their actions). All OC stuff, please! - Avatar: The Last Airbender (civilians during the hundred year war, or just before that. Or soldiers for any of the nations? Maybe prisoners that escape and work together. I don't know! The possibilities are endless). - Stranger things: Not really, but I would love to look into a small town with a spooky secret. I would prefer to disregard the entire actual story of stranger things, but want to build something new off that aesthetic and idea. - Fallout 4: Pretty self-explanatory. Set in the world of FO4 circa in-game events. [/hider][hr] [/hider] That's all for now! Please PM me if you are interested! [hr]