[h2][u]Blade[/u][/h2] 'Wha- no, Dol-' Nope, she wanted to be in here now. Everyone else was coming in, after all. He sort of dithered on whether to kick her out of the room again for a moment, then decided, fuck it, she's not freaking out so much anymore. Kids were adaptable, right? This was fine, she'd be fine. And hey, the teenager had flipped some tables up to block the view anyway, it was all fine and dandy. He placed the stuff down for himself, Dolly, and Dougie, all the bowls and cereal bits and that, and then found himself watching as the single quiet guy... oh, fuckin' sick, he was writing in his own fuckin' blood. Holy shit. 'Goddamn, that's fuc- that's freakin' nasty, [i]cabrĂ³n,[/i]' he announced, sort of staring as the guy kept on spitting up blood to write in, up until they finally got his name: Mute. Though that said... he had coffee. 'Were you drinking that with the open...' He totally had been, now that he thought about it. Holy shit, that was kind of hardcore. But a red triangle... he looked down at his own shirt. Purple. Some of these guys probably had something similar, right? 'Ay, any of you guys have a red triangle on your shirt?' he called out, gesturing for Dolly and Dougie to come over to where he'd arranged breakfast for them. They were all in the same area to start with, at that... they'd probably all have the same purple on them too, right? What did those mean, anyway?