Oh, you're [b]that[/b] person aren't you. Okay, adds up. [quote=@Dolerman] The things you labelled as PR problems I have not agreed to be problems. [/quote] So let me get this straight. The thing [b]you don't know about[/b], you don't consider a problem. Good for you? Also, that's not even what PR means. So...that's only mildly irrelevant? [quote=@Dolerman] Jimquisition, the youtuber. [/quote] Great, you know. So...maybe...look those videos up and watch them then. Ya, know if you have nothing else better to do. And you're here, so that's just a guess on my part. But, my focus was never really talking about the game in particular. So feel however you want about it. Company got bad PR, and rightfully deserved it. Fin. Edit: Also, a bracket isn't related to spelling. Since you didn't know. ;)