Ridahne returned to her task with renewed vigor and confidence. She tried to remind herself that while each stroke of her pen was permanent, she was at no point ever obligated to stick to any one design if she didn't feel it was right. She could draw and redraw until she got it right, and that was a comforting thought. She didn't have to commit to anything until the needle touched her skin. The elf felt a tingle run down her back at the thought. Marking an ojih was a significant event in any case, but the last time she'd done it, it had been one of the hardest moments of her life. She was ready to redeem the experience. And herself. It was late evening and the sky was just beginning to grow a bit dim when Ridahne emerged from the study room with one single piece of paper in hand. Hours of research, trial and error, and refining got distilled down to one sheet of absolutely pristinely inked paper. It would be the template for her final tattoo, and the official record for the other marks. She even had a new version of her house sigil drawn out so that she could give it to a silversmith and have a new one made that incorporated the mark for Guardianship. She was so excited to share it with Darin and to actually put ink to skin that she looked like a dog who'd just been invited to a walk. An archivist tapped her on her lofty shoulder. "Excuse me, Azurei." She held out a wet rag. "Your face..." Ridahne gasped sharply and took the rag, fervently scrubbing at the spot the archivist indicated. When the woman assured Ridahne the stray smears of ink were gone, Ridahne bowed deeply in the manner of the Azurei. "Thank you," she said with extreme fervency. It wouldn't do for her to go walking about with a smudged face, and the fact that the archivist had said something told of her knowledge of Azurei culture, and also the depth of her character. "I'm finished with the study room, by the way. There is a stack of notes in there, please have them destroyed." "I will see to it personally. Anything else I can do for you?" "If you see my human companion, a young lad, tell him I've gone back to the inn." "Of course." Ridahne thanked her, and then bounded off towards the inn where they were staying. On the way, she went to a chandler and purchased an armful of candles. She would need more light than what a few uloia could provide for her work tonight. She was beaming, and hoped that Darin would find her soon so she could start. Ridahne was about to change Azurei history. Again.