Hey dude, sorry in the delay of writing back. TBH, while I'm still interested I think I gave myself too much to handle by having multiple characters on Python and it's putting me off. I get vexed by having to keep writing four or five different reactions and interactions, and jumping between tabs to keep track of things, rather than just getting a reply up. On reflection, I wish I'd just kept it to one or two characters - like Silverwind and one other - as it probably would have helped my mojo flow a bit, and keep things moving with my rate of posts D: Still want to keep doing something, but maybe some editing on the go, or a soft reboot might be an answer? let me know what you think. IMO, the forum seems to be slowing down and dying a lot in activity in general as of late; there's less and less posts or activity on everything, and less and less RP's coming up that I'm really interested in. And any I try to run have just withered shockingly quickly, to the point I lose interest and motivation to make any - it's a shame, as this place used to be really active, but I think the dynamic of online RP has just moved on.