[h2]Human Village[/h2] "My, how curious~" Yuuka commented brightly as the group surveyed the strange anomaly. Indeed, it was hard to spot without the hints of a strange mist hanging in the air. Even then, most humans probably weren't attentive enough to spot such a small thing like this. Stepping forward, the flower youkai shoved her hand into the space experimentally, then simply stepped through it, finding herself... back in the village. With a slight difference. The red mist hung heavily, making it virtually impossible to see very far. Yuuka hadn't been present for the original incident, but she didn't recall it getting [i]this[/i] bad. Then again, the recorded history of the Incident had been heavily altered, and given this appeared to be a strange, alternate space... "An alternate history, then? A realisation of a false past?" Yuuka mused out loud, and turned towards the strange opening, where the rest of the group would be appearing, "at any rate, how shall we go about this? A race to resolve the incident~?"