[center][h1][b][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjQzYTM0ZC5UM1J6WVc1aElFc3VJRU52Y25KaGJBLCwuMgAA/vanilla-whale.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] [hr] Interactions:: Jonas(@Savo), Clover (@Gentlemanvaultboy), Isko, Aline (@FernStone), Askin (@Oddsbod), Brown (@Crosswire) [hr] Otsana, for probably the first time any of her teammates could remember, actually dressed up for the weather. A set of fatigues covered her from head to toe, the insignias ripped off long ago, and a toque with ear covers. Askin had most of her gear, though she insisted on at least wearing her pistols until they landed. She stepped into the cockpit, parachute on her back. A headset let them communicate over the roar of the engines. [color=lime]"Whelp, everyone's ready back there as far as I can tell. Hopefully they can keep their wits about themselves" [/color] [quote=@Savo] Planting an arm on his knee, he leaned down to rest his head on his fist, kneading at it as one particular thought came to mind. [color=598527]"Otsy, we should probably get't landing,"[/color] he suggested, languidly frowning as he grasped the control wheel, constricting it as he tensed up. Whether or not she would take his advice, that belated warning was soon to be vindicated by Oh-One. Jonas, for all intents and purposes was perturbed when he saw a sharp red light pierce the thick, nearly impenetrable ice sheets they called clouds. [color=598527]"Oh crap... Otsana, nine o'clock, incoming,"[/color] he bellowed as the light not only pierced the skies, but sliced through it. As much as Jonas was praying for a cushy flight, he honestly expected some sort of crisis to arise. [/quote] Otsana barely had time to look in the direction before the beam hit home, every warning light and siren going off at once. She jumped out of the chair to let the clone take control of the plane, or what was left of it. [color=lime] "Well crap,"[/color] she deadpanned, already scanning the compartment for any sign of the others. "Looks like they got sucked out. Better get going before we get shot again or something." [quote=@Savo] [color=598527]"Oy', after we kick Oh-Ones ass, drinks on me, a'ight?"[/color] [/quote] [color=lime] "Oh of course, just make sure you're not in traction from the landing"[/color] she shot back. She took a moment to double check [i]all[/i] her rigging was secured. Old jump school habits died hard. [color=lime]"Need me to check your rig one last time?"[/color] She looked up only to spot Jonas stepping towards the opening, flashing a peace sign as he was pulled out. [color=lime] "Wait you have a loose buckle,"[/color] she shouted, though she already knew they were out of range. [color=lime]"Hope that doesn't bite him in the ass." [/color] Tucking the radio headset into one of her many pouches, she took a running jump into the airstream, leaving the smoking plane to it's fate. She spun, buffeted by turbulence to the point she lost her hat. Otsana checked her watch and started the stopwatch. Going off how high they were when the plane was hit, she had about 30 seconds total to get herself oriented and pull the rip cord. It took 5 of those seconds to orient herself facedown, arms and legs spread out to slow herself down. Around her she could see the parachutes of other survivors drifting down. She scanned for a good landing place. Straight down was icy cold water. No good. Even if she didn't entangle herself in her chute in the water, the cold would take her out of the fight. Keep looking. 7 seconds have passed. Angle the body to perform a tracking maneuver and convert downward velocity into forward velocity. The shore was nearby, though seeing some explosions from down there already told her it would be a hot LZ. Keep looking. 10 Seconds have passed. Further inland looked good though. Flat, open, and most importantly reachable in the time she had left. She just had to get over it before it was too late. Angling her arms and legs she turned to correct her course. 25 seconds into her fall she was far enough over the icy shelf to feel comfortable pulling her pilot chute. With a jerk that went through her form, Otsana let out a sigh of relief as the main chute deployed. Now for the slow decent to the ground. A couple of minutes later, and she performed a simple, textbook landing. Knees slightly bent, land on the balls of the feet, then let the legs absorb the impact as she rolled onto her side and back with her arms covering her head. Not the most elegant landing but it worked. Ditching the useless parachute, she walked over to the doctor. [color=lime] "Well this is convenient,"[/color] she says. [color=lime] "Usually have to spend a good while getting everyone back together" [/color] She put her headset back on, followed by a red and white beanie with the Canadian leaf. [color=lime]"Ah, much better."[/color]