[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oHWIcgY.png[/img] [@BrokenPromise][@PlatinumSkink][@Ariamis][@Majoras End][@Ponn][/center] After letting everyone heal or otherwise assist Faith, Raven would have her spirit take off with her, the small entourage in tow. Being largely unaware of safe places for someone like Faith her one though that was out of the way was the twin's house. To anyone else this would be an insane idea and as the lot of them approached the suburbs Raven had adjusted her plan slightly. She could hide Faith and get in contact with the twins. Dragging everyone that close to her allies home seemed like a bad idea so before that got too far into any neighborhood Raven would stop. [color=steelblue]"Do you have a phone number or Glimmr so we can keep in contact?"[/color] She didn't have anything to write on, but she didn't need it. Committing their numbers or users to memory she placed a hand on Faith. [color=steelblue]"I know you want to stick with Faith and everything, but I have an idea of how to help her. I just have to keep her hidden for the night and then talk with some of my friends. They'll know what to do. I just don't want you to get in trouble in case they have anyone else come along. Sorry. I'll call you soon."[/color] Before anyone could object she, Faith, and the spirit would disappear from view. She didn't go far, just out of sight before moving on. It wasn't something she liked doing, ditching people that is. It was just too risky bringing everyone along.