[hider=Sirvan Nouzari] [b]Name:[/b] Sirvan Nouzari [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Appearance:[/b] Short black hair with gray eyes and with coffee-colored skin. He is an average height for his age with an above-average build. Sirvan dresses modestly but, a bit minimal based clothing due to his clan's culture. Along with having a tattoo of his clan's [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/9b/52/2e9b52be74ae6f425da0a4f2e455e1e1.png]symbol[/url] on his right shoulder which he keeps bare of clothing to show it proudly. [b]Background:[/b] Sirvan's family used to be a clan of nomadic horsemen called the Nouzari that had decided to live in Phetop decades ago. It was his grandparents and others of his clan that made the effort to gain citizenship and integrate into Phetop's society. Where his clan would settle in a district in the southern part of the city, near the southern gate of the city. When it became known that Sirvan had the potential to be a sorcerer was met with mixed reception from his clan. For after an incident with a magic-user before the clan moved to Phetop. The clan has seen magic with disdain and which after moving to Phetop. This has lessened somewhat but, the stigma remains. Thus, some of the clan started to stop seeing Sirvan and shunned him. Sirvan himself thought of being a Sorcerer was one with distinction and was excited to learn more and to use magic. Sirvan found that he excelled at and earn high marks with his teachers. Ever curious about magic, he read as much as he could about the magic disciplines while learning to use the different disciplines. Which his proudest moment was when he managed to summon his tutelary ahead of his classmates. Now he hopes to be inducted into one of the Cults and continue his path to becoming a Sorcerer. [b]Personality:[/b] Sirvan growing up has always been an inquisitive person. Curious about the world both inside and outside of Phetop. He tends to like to study alone though he does enjoy the company of others. Along with being rather kind and friendly to the people around him. He holds his clan in high esteem and is proud of his heritage but, won't preach about it likes some of his clanmates. Also, once he sets his mind on something, it can hard for people to dissuade him from that task or idea. [b]Aptitude:[/b] While at Presedjet, he has experience and has daddled with all of the magic disciplines. He shows most promise with pyromancy, favoring controlling lighting over fire. Also shows promise in telekinesis. [b]Tutelary:[/b] Being named Amata and taking the form of a large falcon with kyanite gemstones for eyes. Since Sirvan summoned her, Amata has treated him like a loving sibling. Making he does not forget important things and likes to spend time with him. Also, the occasional teasing to get a rise out of him. Amata also so hates cramp rooms as they restrict her ability to fly and sometimes rests on Sirvan's shoulder while he is walking. [/hider]