The new comer, Javier apparently, froze before edging his hand slowly from his clothing. In his hand he held what appeared to be a cheaply made electric razor. Junebug's pistol vanished as quickly as it had appeared and she nodded her head in brisk apology to the man. "It's a nervous city," the man stated, offering her the out and crossing the room to shake all three of there hands. "Thank you for saving my son, he shouldn't have gone out there, it isn't safe for anyone after dark when the gangs are in town." "He wen't for medicine," Junebug suggested and the man nodded. "Heart medication, thinners and regulators, I take them since I was very young," Javier explained. As he talked Magdelena stood up and went back into a small chamber set off behind a bulkhead door. She slid it open by hand and it moved smoothly on its hinges, having evidently lost the vacuum closure in its hinges over the decades. A moment later she emerged with several large plates of spiced rice with a variety of vegetables and some kind of local sausage, she sat a plate down in front of each of them with thoughtless grace. "It wasn't always so bad, a year ago there was a factor her from the Cartel on Kimberly, the Spiders and the Scorpions, sure they cause some problems out in the fields but not here where the Cartel could see," Javier explained, he reached into a cold box and produced six bottles of some kind of local brew, each sealed with wax and beaded with condensate. "They were afraid of the Cartel?" Junebug asked, prising the cork out of her bottle with the point of her knife and then taking a swig. It appeared to be some kind of carbonated mead, though the alcohol burned her eyes enough to make her think it was fortified. Javier nodded sadly. "The Cartel needs them to maintain order out on the farms, but it could bring in people from offworld for that if the locals proved to much of a pain," Javier explained, "but a year ago there was a power struggle back on Kimberly, the factor went home and hasn't been back." "Those animals don't care what happens here so long as the drugs keep coming," Magdelana snapped with unexpected vehemence. "Meanwhile these animals," she hooked a thumb towards the surface,"run amok here, making life miserable for the normal people." "How long they been gearing up?" Junebg asked. "Gearing up?" Magdelena replied, looking perplexed. Junebug shoveled the rice into her mouth with the gusto of a field soldier, talking around her food in a most unladylike fashion. "They aren't swinging their dicks around up there, well not just that," Junebug explained, "they are both getting ready to fight, fortifying, organizing." "I don't know about that," Javier said looking a trifle nervous. "Mostly they just swagger around with guns."