[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/bftdLNR.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]Well that was definitely something I didn't want to hear right now.[/color]" "[color=#FF5757]... My head...[/color]" [hr]—————————————————— [sub]Fantasy Land[/sub][/center] [indent] Quinn watched as the the DENS arrived at the scene, a little late but that should be fine especially since they did not really seem to care much about what they saw and Quinn actually felt like they would be helpful instead of just standing there, tear gassing everyone and tazing people. She followed Izzy towards the crowd and prompted Heize to follow her with the rich one still on his back. These agents would not mind a Chimera right? Right. Once she arrived she listened in the conversation. "[color=#FFD700]Hope they don't taze me again.[/color]" She muttered to herself laughing under her breath, "[color=#FFD700]That was on me so I really shouldn't complain.[/color]" She looked over to Grace and shook her head, this girl really was out and it looked like it was going to take a bit before she is up and running again. As the DENS spoke, everyone turned their attention to the top of the ferris wheel. The Hound? As they called it, Quinn did not know what it was but Heize was not hostile to it but instead he actually refused to look at The Hound for reasons Quinn did not know. Quinn was surprised at Heize's reaction and did not take it lightly, obviously this meant something and she did not want to fuck with that. The Hound then spoke of Elise's death, and Quinn's eyes widened, her fists clenched and Heize now started to cower from Quinn. Quinn could not believe it, she was angry definitely but to think that she did not even know nor did anyone else. As soon as the Hound jumped down to their level, it got cold real fast and Heize now took a step back but Quinn held assumed her dominance by making him stay, shaking her head at him when he tried to flee. She could not let him run free, Grace was on him and her boss would get mad at her if something were to happen to her. Oh and also the fact that she is now part of the coven but mostly the first part. Everyone's eyes were on The Hound as he walked over to Elise's body, and the look on Quinn's face told a million stories. She actually considered Elise a friend, someone she could rely on, especially since she did when she got shot... Good times. She watched Elise's soul get taken away and Quinn stayed silent for awhile. [center]—————————————————— [sub]Tampa General Hospital - Parking Garage.[/sub][/center] As they all stood there, Quinn was having a smoke, taking in everything that had just happened. She stood there while Madison spoke about keeping a low profile for awhile, and Quinn just nodded at her, no snarky comment, no sarcasm, nothing. She did not even care upon the usage of her real name. Grace on the other hand was now awake, standing next to Quinn who was sat on the hood of her Aston Martin, she looked like she did not want to talk so she just let her do what she wanted. And this talk about attacking Blake now really had her thinking, this was the same Blake Schmidt who was fucking with her dad's bank and making it harder to work there. Grace would have said yes in a heartbeat but she did just learn that it was him who sent the outsider to attack and they were all in no condition to fight. "[color=#FF5757]Maybe we should rest up firs-[/color]" She said but was cut off by Quinn. "[color=#FFD700]I'm in, I couldn't care less right now, so let's go.[/color]" She said, standing up from where she was sitting and flicking the cigarette she had just finished away. "[color=#FF5757]You could die.[/color]" Grace added. "[color=#FFD700]It's bound to happen anyway.[/color]" Quinn replied with a shrug, and an obvious give-no-shits mentality. "[color=#FF5757]Then I'm coming with you![/color]" Grace replied. Quinn then gave Grace a pat on the back and smiled at her but then everyone else continued. "[color=#FFD700]Are we going after Kayla first then?[/color]" She asked. Grace did not have much to say, after all she was still relatively new and she felt like she did not contribute enough in that last fight to have an actual say. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]