[hider=Seung Bik][center][hider=Seung in "prayer"][IMG]https://live.staticflickr.com/8353/8309770300_f6dbdab82b_b.jpg[/IMG][/hider][h2][b]Seung Bik[/b][/h2][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Seung Bik [b]Alias:[/b] Coppercore [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] ● Gruff ● Careful ● Straight-forward ● Unbelieving ● Caring ● Worrying ● Forthright ● Protective [b]Background:[/b] It's a fairly well known fact that Earth Kingdom citizens are not the most spiritually inclined of the four nations. As their Benders tend to be very earthy in their ideals. And them being so diverse culturally, as let's face it the Earth Kingdom is the most massive of all the other nations, well there are so many beliefs and cultural nuances it's hard to adhere to just one system. But there is something that the Benders find very inclined to keep. It's the varying styles of Earth Bending, that give life to Earth bending. So Bik went to great lengths to gather all the literature, pictures and evidence of all the varying styles of Earth bending. Finding manuscripts on lava, sand and metal bending. Finding books written by this or that Avatar, finding one of Toph Beifong's own metal whip assemblies. He even found a very obscure mention of Mud-Bending and it's applications among both Earth Benders and Water Benders. Seung did his level best to create a repository of all things Earth Bending and its variations. He did this all between the ages of 18 and 26. Devoted to his quest to make sure Earth Bending has a archive of it's intricacies and the various arts and details. Seung for all this is a passable Earth Bender. And had to find and even hire people who had ability in the variations of Earth Bending to keep them alive. The repository eventually became something of an unofficial academy and temple and with the help of much older benders, it became a place for all earth Benders to come together. It took him almost 8 years to do this. And by the age of 26 he'd managed to create something for all Earth Benders. He spent a year curating and care taking the Academy of Earth-Bending Arts. It was this dedication that got him an invite to the White Lotus Society. His dogged, and let's face it, very Earth Bender approach to perserving the Earth Bending ways, well it got the notice of the WLS. He had worked in the Academy for a mere year after his personal quest before the White Lotus Society asked him to join. They wanted to help him, and in turn he was invited to become a junior member of the Society and continue his work within the Society and at the Academy for Earth Bending Arts as it'd come to be known.[/hider]