[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200703/eb648010e5ac5be8ce67c4105372cd83.png[/img][/center] It was hard for the Hyuga to ignore the question of the sole kunoichi on his team, knowing that she already had made up her mind even if he did respond to her. As Daichi was about to blurt out a response, he received the go-ahead from his old teammate, ready for the start of the Capture the Flag. Lifting his arm into the air, he swung it back down quickly in a slicing motion shouting. [color=8A8A8A][b]"Begin!"[/b][/color] The tiny boy's mind fluttered as both his teammates began talking along with what felt like thundering voice of Daichi-sensei signifying the start of the game. Ataru's mind was always full of jumbled thoughts and ideas that fired left and right, always putting him in a daze. Somehow Ataru had ended up in Team 5, under the tutelage of Emi-sensei, who was one of the top kunoichi, if not one of the top ninjas in Konoha, along with two other students from his academy class, a lot of eyes have been on them. Kushizu wasn't too expressive or open about himself, even after their team was formed, Ataru didn't know much more about him than he had during their academy days. Of course, getting to know him wasn't something Ataru was going to initiate himself. All he knew about his teammate was that he had no parents, and he was extremely empathetic, a trait Ataru tried to inherit from him. Kushizu was a bit of a enigma, something Ataru's parents tried encouraging him to press on in order to become a better teammate and friend, something he was trying to work on. Kimiko on the other hand towered over everyone, not just with her height, but with her abilities and prowess, something Ataru envied. Ataru considered her the de facto leader whenever Emi-sensei wasn't around as her voice was the loudest and strongest of the three. She was confident in her own abilities, which is the one trait Ataru wanted to gain from her, whereas he lacked that self-confidence for sure. Ever since being assigned to Team 5 Ataru has been learning a lot about himself and who he should be to become a good ninja, something his teammates taught him. They showed a lot of respect and kindness, even if he was weird, and for sure he knew they all got annoyed of each other at times, but their success all really depended on how well they all did together. [color=919DBB]"I know we should probably stick with what we're good at, but let's try something different today."[/color] Ataru said as he got his head back to the game at hand. [color=919DBB]"Emi-sensei said we should have some fun today, so let's try that."[/color] On their past missions, Team 5 had a cut-and-dry strategy and formation that almost always worked. Emi-sensei would lead the team, followed by Kimiko, who was physically the strongest and most intimidating of the three; then by Kushizu, the most rounded teammate; and in the back of the team was Ataru as their support. [color=919DBB]"They have to come get the flag, so if we have Kimiko-chan here defending instead of me, that'll give them a disadvantage when it comes to one-on-one combat. If you and I charge in, it might not be as strong as having Kimiko-chan charging in, but it gives us the best defense while we try and take their flag, Kushizu."[/color] [color=919DBB]"Also... Not that I can't defend the flag,"[/color] Ataru added, [color=919DBB]"but I don't think I can take one of Hoseki's punches if he's the one attacking. Pretty sure I could handle one of Mizo-chan's either..."[/color] With a nervous breath, he tightened his headband and pulled out a few scrolls from his pouch, kneeling and attaching them to his teammate's shoes. [color=919DBB]"These acceleration seals will help, but only for a few minutes until I can reattach some more."[/color] The white haired boy said. He was nervous, but there wasn't ever a time that anxiety didn't fill his body unless he was reading or dreaming of dungeons and dragons.